need help identification


New Member
took the lid of a black round cilinder shape bottle next to the fuses on the drivers side in engine bay , it has a marker on it for hot and cold on its dipsick anyway is not even showing on hot but not tried yet on cold what could this tank/bottle be for could it explain my difficult gear changes once car is hot, thanks


New Member
oh right so that needs topping up anyway but is there away to check the clutch fluid and gearbox oil , as i think they are either degrading when hot or not thinning out too much .


took the lid of a black round cilinder shape bottle next to the fuses on the drivers side in engine bay , it has a marker on it for hot and cold on its dipsick anyway is not even showing on hot but not tried yet on cold what could this tank/bottle be for could it explain my difficult gear changes once car is hot, thanks
You should read a handbook so you know simple driver checks like these!

need to check the box by taking out the fill plug and topping it up with oil.
But Best bet is to drain it all and fill up with new stuff.
Make sure you can get the fill plug out first !!!!

The fill plug is in behind the front gearbox mount has a square hole in it, so has the drain plug.

All you need is a 1/2" drive and 1/4" Drive ratchets to take the plugs out and away you go.

Make sure car is on flat ground when you fill it up and fill it up till the oil pours out the fill plug.

If you need pics of where the plugs are i have a spare box lying their i can tak epics of for ya.


New Member
thanks davie will get it booked in to get changed in early jan if i dont want to attempt it myself. whats the best stuff to put in it and how much so i dont buy too little and need to get more ,

also power steering fluid iv got a spare bottle of slick 50 power steering fluid will that be ok cheers
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New Member
75/90 gear oil i think mate for your gearbox and transfer box, bob just told me to use the comma or motoquip one as it does the same jobby as the expensive ones, think i paid £20 for 5 litres or there abouts. Also i had 7 litres of the stuff and that filled up my transfer which took about a litre and half, and gearbox was roughly 5 litres iirc.


New Member
thanks PulsarTom, im hoping thats the cause of my gear change problem as its perfectly fine when cold,nice and smooth,

what about clutch fluid would this affect when hot as its about 5mm below the max mark on the res,whats best to use agin for this job

is the gearbox drain plug under gearbox as if found the top up one i think near the mount on the side of gearbox.
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Fast Guy

Staff member
It could be something like your clutch fork going. As daft as it sounds, when my clutch fork started going, the gear change seemed ok when cold and gradually got worse as the car heated up.

Fast Guy

Staff member
It's a gearbox out job, so labour expsensive, but the part is only around £40ish. If it is the fork uprate one before you fit it. (weld metal on in vital areas)