water gettin in car??

Hi all

I have a problem the passenger side carpet it wet i have pulled most of it up and the plastic in front off windscreen but cant find anything is thiss a common/known fault that some one can pin point it for me or am i in for a very long mission as i have looked on and off since 12 this afternoon and cant find it

any help or advise would be amazing




Staff member
Is it related to the heater; for example, you get a wet carpet with the heating on, but not with it off? - I guess a loss of coolant might give that away.

Are there any wires or hoses pulled through the grommets on that side? - I had wiring for the boost controller at one point, and there's still a vacuum line that goes to my boost gauge... although I've never noticed water get in through the grommet.

Door seals?


Does it happen after it's rained and when the car hasn't been driven, or just when the car is driven in the wet.


Staff member
do you have a sunroof ? if you do, the passenger drain off pipe in the corner of the sunroof could be blocked. Also could be leaking door seal or heater matrix and right up behind the glove box in the bulkhead is a large rubber grommet that the engine bay wiring loom feeds through, this is often used by people to feed aftermarket wiring through and often screws up the rubber seal.

Gaz gtiR

New Member
I had the same problem! Take the wiper scuttle panel off. Theres a metal plate behind it above passenger heater vent it will be rotted threw so when it rains water will pass threw it & you will get a wet passenger footwell! Replace with some plastic & sealent or source another plate & paint it for protection! (i had the last 1 of Boby i think) lol But he may have 1 in stock now!
it rained all night last night passenger footwell in more than wet lol and also its filling the things in the boot on each side (when u pull the carpet up right behind both lights theres a hole each side and should have vents but mine hasnt but there filling up with water from the rain can it come through the lights?


steve i havent got a sunroof thanks for trying

gaz gtir i have took it all apart yesterday and no rust but maybe no seal will have to look at it better


Active Member
Mine did this as well, check the seal between the passenger door and windscreen. A stone chip had hit the seal right near the top of the door, and had made a little hole just big enough for rainwater to trickle down into. It then ran down the inside of the seal and into the footwell.
thanks for help but i have hopfully fixed all problems the water in the front was getting in through the little panel underneath/ infront off windscreen. and at the back it was coming in from petrol filler cap thats bin filled in