smcnairn said:
Im lookin to buy an uprated adjustable actuator. I cant seen to find one. The only place that helped me was Turbo dynamics who said the would uprate the standard one. Has any one got any betTer suggestions or links??
Why do you want an uprated one, is your standard one faulty? If not then I wouldn't bother, get a bleed valve or an electronic boost controller if you want to run higher boost.
JU5TY said:
The Actuator spring rating confuses me a bit, I plan to run 1.8bar, but unsure what spring rating I would need seeing as the boost controller fools the actuator etc to run that much boost. Any thoughts?
I'd get something like a 1.4 or 1.5bar spring to allow for spikage run the boost controller to bleed the extra 0.3bar or whatever, you can then turn it off and run a
sensible 1.5bar when you don't want to rag it too much