New Member
Hi all....probably gunna get bitch slapped by you experianced guys out :roll: there but not so long ago i bought a roller bearing turbo of off fleebay supposedly cappable of running 380 bhp,cough cough ive already read reports of these cheap japenesse turbos not being up too scratch,but for the price i got it for it was worth a punt i thought....what i wanted to know? does anyone know of a good turbo company who could test the turbo maybe even ceramic coat it at the same time as testing(if its ok) in the kent area....really want to test the realiability of the thing before scrapping my nuckles up again getting the old turbo off and the new one on...thought it might be wise to see if the thing was gunna be able to take the abuse and not waste all my effort on fitting the thing too then see it spit oil everywhere
...also to find out if the chap that i bought it of was telling the truth about the cappabilitys of the turbo....if he is not it might be nice for everyone else to know who it is;-)