scottyd said:
I don't see why the pulsar can't compete with the rest of the machinery that enter into the time attack, yes cars that are 10 years or younger will have better setups than the pulsar as standard, but stuff like this can easily be sorted with a few tweaks here and there.
I think the pulsar will put up a really good challenge, and with a good driver and a sorted car, i dont see why it can't even break a few times if the car is built for the track.
you have hit the nail on the head there scotty

although i dont think neither of us are good enough to break any records, but i can only speak for myself, not rishi!
ive been through all this in the past with bikes and bike setup! 'you have to have ohlins, you have to have this, you have to have that'
it helps yes! but in reality it comes down to the rider or driver:roll:
my suzuki gsxr750 was more than a match for a lot of r1s gsxr1000s and zx10s and i was far from being an excellent rider;-)but i whipped a lot of there asses!
arguements i used to have down the pub with my so called racing buddies that il never do anything on basically a standard bollox as i proved to some of them on track!
if you gave my standard bike to a real good rider like rossi for example and put my mates on track 'who all race semi professional' with there 10k+ setups, then who would your money be on? well il tell you's all now! rossi would wipe the floor with all of them, and probably lap them a couple of times for good measure, just to really rub it in8)
some of you's are having a little sly dig at myself and rishi (ive never met the guy)and for what? because were prepared to have a go? why bother entering? whats the point, as we will finish last for sure! will we bollox;-)
but as i said before, at least he has the balls to get off his ass and have a go, which i do admire!
theres too many people out there willing to slate others and there / your cars,;-) saying i could have done better than that and so forth, which lets face it, is a shite attitude to have, UNLESS you prove it!
just take our calibra mate for example, all mouth and nothing to back his big gob up with, makes me sick! people like him are gutless little scrotes that need putting in place!
rishi pointed out earlier that if you think the cars shite, then sell it, go buy yourself an evo or whatever:roll: whats the point on spending thousands on something thats never gonna be good enough in your eyes??? your either all mad or stupid!
it just really pi55es me off, when people get slated for trying to achieve something, thats why this country is so so fcuked up:evil:
i will tell you's all now, that the crappy little nissan sunny in the hands of a good professional driver is more than a match for any evo driven by a driver who thinks he's good, and that is the FACT of it!
i truly hope that one of us is good enough to make an impact on this event, and then i will come back and rib you fcukers to the end of the earth that have slated us and our / your cars that you are supposed to worship with all the monies that you spend on them:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
SUPPORT the fella, dont put him down, for what his aiming to achieve!;-)