Sluggish IAC and AAC, cleaning with intake manifold in situ.


New Member
I think idling for protracted periods with the pcv system in place has sludged up my throttle plates, IAC and AAC. Has anyone attempted in situ cleaning? I was toying with the idea of spraying carb cleaner or brake and clutch down the intake.

Any thoughts?


Staff member
I cleaned my IAC and AAC with the manifold off, I'd be surprised if it did much to them in situ.


Staff member
I took the idle screw out and sprayed throttle body cleaner inside the IAC through the opening. - Seemed to work for me, but I may have just got lucky.


New Member
Thanks guys, I'll try in situ first. It's not too bad to be honest, but sluggish, takes a few seconds to open from start up, sort of stumbles it's way up to around 1500. And I get similar if I switch on lights etc, revs drop then after a few seconds the aac catches up.

Jim, I recall reading somewhere that you modded the plenum to make it less of a pain to get off. If I end up taking it off I'd like to do similar. How did you go about it?


Staff member
Removed the emissions stuff. Removed the water feed to plenum area. Removed the plenum for the air at the back of the manifold. Got some silicon hose for the air feed to the brake cylinder. Whilst at it I got the hole for the BOV cut off and aluminium welded up. Sounds like a hassle but it wasn't technically difficult. After it meant I could whizz the manifold off in about 10 minutes so it was always an easy first step to check anything out at the back of the engine.


New Member
Do you have any pictures of this? I'm getting ready to reinstall my intake/ throttle bodys & want to eliminate all that crap also. Does disconnecting those idle valves do anything ?
Removed the emissions stuff. Removed the water feed to plenum area. Removed the plenum for the air at the back of the manifold. Got some silicon hose for the air feed to the brake cylinder. Whilst at it I got the hole for the BOV cut off and aluminium welded up. Sounds like a hassle but it wasn't technically difficult. After it meant I could whizz the manifold off in about 10 minutes so it was always an easy first step to check anything out at the back of the engine.

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
I removed the whole lot on my rally car for exactly the same reason, access (time..) for maintenance. Screwed
the throttle stop out a bit to up the tickover. Never regretted this for a second


Think I may have an issue with my aac or iac. Nothing major but when coming to a stop my idle sits a bit high till I come to a complete stop and then it drops to the correct rpm. Does this sound like a dirty part that needs to be cleaned ?

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
Tried to do a similar thing on a type R Honda recently. Wasted a fiver squirting carb cleaner in. Engine off and running. No success. Ended up in a strip down.
Anyway, I have a joblot of this stuff for sale in the classifieds, as I removed it from my rally car 5+ years ago
PM me