RPS Clutches???


New Member
Alright ladies and gents (if there is any that is :lol: )

When i put my quafie in (when i get round to get one) I was going to slap in a new clutch at the same time and I was thinking about an RPS one.

Anyone got any experience with them, they seem good for the price that i seen them for.

Also not sure wheather to get the Max Street Orgainc (475lbft) or the Max Paddle (550lbft), any prefrences or ideas to which?



New Member
Theres been quite a bit of discussion on these mate. Think dooie had some issues with slip after several launches on them.


I run an RPS street max and it's fine - that saying... I've never launched my R... complete girl. :lol: :lol:

My standard jobby was slipping. I got one of these as I was undecided between that and the Helix...

I ran a poll for a while so I'll try and find it.


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
the rps is fine as long as you dont get it too hot. peddle feel could be better but at what its rated for its not bad :wink:


New Member
My mate had a RPS 6 puc paddle in his celica gt4 and it was down to the rivets in 6 months. and the centre spline bit in the friction plate had shitloads of play in it.

it did get a fair bit of abuse though :wink:

Yor right dooie my mates one would shit itself if it go to hot!! leave it to cool down and is good again.
