Road Legal Competition Pulsar.

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Empty Pockets

New Member
Raffles a really good idea, someone sold a set of wheels this way on the mlr, might have to raffle off my engine and turbo kit, could maybe convert it to a bingo style method also for all the oldies ?


New Member
Who you calling old you cheeky wee whipper snapper? Saw your protect on dumb tree, if I won that I'd mount it on a plinth, things a work of art.

Empty Pockets

New Member
Seriously though, is there any legal reasons why you couldn't do a raffle, would be easy enough to do, and would get the seller full asking price quickly ?


New Member
Not that I know of. I would want to keep comprehensive records of ticket sales, exclude all involved and related parties and have the draw witnessed in order to avoid allegations of fraud from non winners. Business link or citizens advice may have some info on the legal bits.

Just noticed my phone's made one or two corrections of its own accord.

Empty Pockets

New Member
For eg, my turbo kit @ 2200, 45 tickets at 50 quid = 2250 (extra 50 would cover post) Do a thread with a 1-45 list, pick your own numbers, no maximum ticket allowance, list forum name next to numbers chosen so totally transparent, once all numbers are paid for, raffle could be drawn at a central location where atleast 20 members/participants could witness, or via a method everyone agreed on ?

Empty Pockets

New Member
I guess that's the kind of thing. But you have a motor, rad and ic if memory serves. 1st prize motor, 2nd tubby, 3rd........ Have you taken a look at this?
Would need to sell too many tickets to get rid of the lot in one go, individually would be much better as you would only buy a ticket for what you wanted, and would be much quicker being 45 tickets as opposed to 400. As a small interclub event/competition, would it really be classed as gambling, as long as you only sold tickets to the value amount of the prize offered ?

Empty Pockets

New Member
Depends how you look at it i guess, we can call it a game of skill.. skillfully pick the right number........ lol. Yes, i'm always after 20k, if you're offering... ? :)

Empty Pockets

New Member
LOL yeah no worries mate, if you can run it all down here and bolt it in I'll get a cheque in the post to you on Monday. I meant 400 x £50 tickets.... Just trying to find your sale thread......
Lol, i know what you meant, i was just giving an example, not actual figures, and thought you got that so was going with it, my apologies :) :)

Empty Pockets

New Member
Haha, if you take the whole post in context, the last part rules out the greed factor........ :) Only selling enough tickets for the items value, or advertised value, would rule out the greedy gits, and make it more of a funky 'for sale' add rather than a greed/con/gambling/proffit type of thing, i.e if it's worth 2k you can only sell 2k's worth of tickets.


New Member
You'd think, I'd think. But I have a little to do with statute and common law and some of it defies consistent interpretation by Judges let alone you or I. Be a bummer to end up with a criminal conviction simply because you failed to ask the question or fill out a form.....

Empty Pockets

New Member
Obviously you'd enquire before doing it, this is just a conversation on the subject, a pre cursor to doing anything..... I take it we couldn't run an in-club raffle/competition without a rat notifying the hmrc then....... lol


New Member
nigh on 2500 members and a bunch of guests at any given time. Wonder if that demographic contains people with the word officer or inspector in their job title. You only pay tax on gains generally, but if you're worried about it check with an accountant. Probably have a few on here as well.
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