Injector problem


Active Member
Got my gtir taxed and insured.but having a massive missfire at idle.running and sounding like a scooby.
No 4 cylindar is not running properly.sparking ok but no fuel going in.checked the injector works ok.even swapped with known good one.
On further investigation getting 12v too all injector both side of the harness plug no 1 2 3 on white coloured wires are being switched to ground and working fine.
But no 4 is not grounding properly.have done continuty test and from resistor pack to injector wire is fine. Any help would appreciated


Fast Guy

Staff member
Is it definitely fuel. Have you visibly confirmed no fuel is getting out of the injector?

I was just wondering if it could be that old favourite water in the plug well after all that rain we've had?


Active Member
Nah it defo the injector spark plug is dry as bone compared to the rest .previously had thought it was ignition related but ignition side check.plugs leads are all ok
