Ive come to fit a new central locking motor,the problem is this..
The old unit has 5 wires coming out of it..black,white,brown,blue and green.
the new one only has 2,blue and green.
From the R's wiring there is
...a red and a black wire which connect to blue and green respectively on the motor
and..black wire and a green with black stripe which connect to black and brown respectively on the motor.
The white wire on the motor isnt connected to anything by the way.
Just wondering where i go from here???
clickable thumbnail

The old unit has 5 wires coming out of it..black,white,brown,blue and green.
the new one only has 2,blue and green.
From the R's wiring there is
...a red and a black wire which connect to blue and green respectively on the motor
and..black wire and a green with black stripe which connect to black and brown respectively on the motor.
The white wire on the motor isnt connected to anything by the way.
Just wondering where i go from here???
clickable thumbnail
