wishbones / lower arms



need some for the sunny gtir,

had a fight with a curb and now it pulls like a c*nt lol, but it's twitchy as well so.......just wanna check....that would be the arms yeh???


if you cant see that they are bent may be worth geting the tracking checked, may be lucky and just knocked the tracking out a bit, is the steering wheel off centre as well ?


yes mate it is off center, pulls to the left and is quite twitchy,

what i dont get is that it pulls to the left but i hit on the right


New Member
i'd say its tracking then as everything is now slightly steering towards the left with it of been banged at the right....makes sense doesn't it?


dont be saying things like that lol, you'll give me a heart attack :(


had a lil look under there and it all seems ok....no bends etc, nothing obvious, but will have it to kwik fit 2moz at some point and get it up on the ramps :D

they will NOT be fixing it though....no chance


luke_gti-r said:
had a lil look under there and it all seems ok....no bends etc

i need a historic porsche setting up on a jig to check for previous crash damage
before i repair some of the bulkhead:? , i was going to fork out a load of cash for jigging:cry: but if you come down and have a ''lil look under there'' and give it the all clear that will save me a fortune:lol:


HA HA HA sooooo funny.............not

had it up on a ramp at a garage i know of and they couldn't see any damage.....but the wheel is sitting a few cm's back from where it is on the other side......and camber is slightly out.....

i'm thinking wishbone.....and ideas? with out the sarcasm?


Active Member
u need to measure the points from the manual to see how far out things are
another way is to measure wheel center front to back on either side and compare them or measure from subframe bolts on the rear to wishbone front bolts on either side
if u can see its that far out by eye id say uve buggered the chassis sorry to say but i had a shell that went off up a curb and that was scrapped as a result

scott b

New Member
personaly say wishbone, happened on my almera, and ive seen it happen loads of times on micras during winter, at the end of the day a wishbone aint much, stick one on get the tracking redone and try it again


if its a cm or two it will be a combination of things:? it only takes a bit of stretch here and there to gain a couple of cm overall:cry:
like allen has said you need to measure off as many points as possible to determine how much how far and where from;-)
you need to find points to measure from which are accurate and dont flex not body panels etc.

good luck mate