Will these sell?


Active Member

Do you think there is a market to sell these? Yes the top one
or just stick them on ebay when i get them polished?
The hard bit is getting these at a good price to start with!!thats why it might be better if i sell these on the site so that pepole can to do a deal to trade your old ones back to me?
What sort of price are pepole willing to pay for these and how much money would they be looking for there old ones?
The back of these are not so polished as the fronts as you will never see the back of them.
When you recieved them you can polish it as much as you liked and then spray lacquer over them so you dont have to polish it again.
I could spend an other week on this one to get it perfect but dont think that its worth that much hassel and more skin off my fingers

What do you all think?
or just stick on fleebay?

Pictures below are just showing you the diffrence between an old one and a polished one.



Active Member
You're not exactly selling these, stating that "The back of these are not so polished as the fronts as you will never see the back of them", "When you recieved them you can polish it as much as you liked and then spray lacquer over them" and "I could spend an other week on this one to get it perfect but dont think that its worth that much hassle".
These statements make it sound like a half arsed effort on your part.

I think the polished/chrome look will only appear to a very small segment of the OC but, if you polished the inside, that would appeal to more owners, purely on possible performance gains.

Good effort though, it looks very good !


Mmmmm shiny, nice.

They'll sell.....depending on price...?

Definitely give a price for selling on exchange basis as well as on its own. if they're popular, exchange basis is going to tbe the only way to keep the stock ones coming to you.

You should polish it more though, get it mirror finish, then post a shinier piccy up. People wanna see the standard they'll get.

Get an electric polisher for the final finish and a Dremel for the tricky bits (you're not doing it by hand are you?)


Well-Known Member
Stick them on ebay and they'll sell ;-) I reckon you could sell anything on that site as theres always some stupid c**t that'll buy it no matter what it is :lol: If people can sell their soiled underwear on there then you shouldnt have any problem with that ;-)

Im sure people that like their engine bays looking shiny will snap them up, but i cant see the point of doing it myself. Having one half of the plenum shiny and the other half dull just makes it look out of place in my opinion!


Active Member
Thanks for the replys,
If i could buy them cheaper then i could sell them cheaper but everyone wonts top doller for there old ones??
Would pepole realy wont the back of them polished so you can see your face in it? I was just trying to be ownest about them, I could polish them to any standard that pepole was looking for.
This one has a better shine on it now as i just took a shit photo of it at the last minute with my crap camera just to see the interest, (But when i was going to start selling them i would get a propper photo)I was just seeing if there was interest in them, I have started to polish the inside of one tonight and see how i get on with that one,
MINESGTIR, £30 buy it today??? Dont think so, Its bad enough try to buy these in the first place as standard for that sort of money, then spend Hrs polishing it.
Looks like i will just stick them on ebay when finshed.?


Active Member
Thanks steve963
Started to polish one inside tonight, Looks like the inside is alot quicker than the outside, Its not finished before you say it looks sh1t, but just a few pictures of what i did tonight.
If i had the other half of the plenum i would give that a try too but i dont have one unless some one has a spare one they would like to sell to me???
If i am boring you just say and i will stop posting up pictures

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Active Member
STU666V said:
Thanks steve963
Started to polish one inside tonight, Looks like the inside is alot quicker than the outside, Its not finished before you say it looks sh1t, but just a few pictures of what i did tonight.
If i had the other half of the plenum i would give that a try too but i dont have one unless some one has a spare one they would like to sell to me???
If i am boring you just say and i will stop posting up pictures

That looks good bud !