Why Buy GTI-R


Active Member
Hi All new to the forum.. Been looking at the GTI-r for Some weeks As i have £5000 + to spend but i do have a little problem and that is what makes the £5000 + pulsar Better than a EVO 3 WRX STI At £5000 + ?


New Member
for that kind of monney you should find a good un.
my opinion is if you want rawness go for the gtir, thats the thing that sets it apart from the other 2 for me


Nothing at all, They are all good cars in their own right.

Depends what you want really want and which you like the look of, The EVO would be the easiest to live with I'd of thought, If you want a really good pulsar then buy the one in the for sale for 6.5k now that is a really well sorted car and would save 1000's in the long run.



i agree with odin, that is one very nice car indeedy. its a lot of money but has been lavished with attention and pampered like a puppy!

but if your a bit skint and have been saving long and hard to get that 5k then i would go for the evo over a gtir, as it will be more reliable and you wont find it so hard to sell if you ever want shot of it!

the gtir is more of a fanatics car, that people pump a lot of money into to mod etc and people buy them because there not mainstream and are different from anything else on the market today!

so if you fit the above paragraph then go for the R, if you dont, then get the evo!
take my advice though and steer clear of the scoobys, they are or have become the 2007 version of the xr3i
they in turn will devalue very quickly!


New Member
pulsarboby said:
so if you fit the above paragraph then go for the R, if you dont, then get the evo!
take my advice though and steer clear of the scoobys, they are or have become the 2007 version of the xr3i
they in turn will devalue very quickly!
couldnt agree more:thumbsup:


New Member
pulsarboby said:
steer clear of the scoobys, they are or have become the 2007 version of the xr3i
they in turn will devalue very quickly!
I agree. If you want something a bit different and can affort it, get an R. If you spend a bit more on a good modded car then you will save alot of money in the long run unless you want to put your own stamp on it and modify it over time when you have money then you could buy a cheaper standard R.
The R that's for sale now for £6.5K may seem expensive but given the amout of time and money that has gone into producing such a spec, it's a real bargain!

" What a Scooby and a clitoris got in common? "

Every fanny has got one!!!


Braveheart said:
The R that's for sale now for £6.5K may seem expensive

not when you think the Motec would of cost about £2700 and the Quaife around £2500 just on their own with out the long list of other mods :shock: , It's a fecking bargain.



6.5k just sounds like a lot of money for what at the end of the day is an old car!

its like selling a house in a street, and exceeding the selling price by miles of that particular street!
doesnt matter if you have gold taps fitted plasma tvs etc etc the house will still have a set top value, no matter what you do to it.

however after saying that, and taking in the condition of that car, and the attention lavished upon it, i would say its a fair price (not cheap not expensive).
even though it has had thousands spent on it in the past, but it would cost a lot more to build a car to that spec from scratch, so theres two ways of looking at it:?
if i were in the market to buy one of these cars now then that would be the one i would buy, as i know the bloke whos selling it is a perfectionist.

i remember a thread a while back regarding some seat rails he wanted, and i posted 'make them yourself'
his reply was 'im not that skilled with metalwork' and i want the job done to a high standard!!!
that tells you a lot about him straight away, bet that cars a right minter;-)


New Member
well iv had 4 evo3 & 5 pulsars & one 555stivltd & in strd trim or just slighly modfied the evo 3 was my favorite,if u want to hav a fight with your car get a pulsar but i found the the evo was in between a pulsar & scooby,it was fast & the handling was:thumbsup:

davey red.r

New Member
excellent comments there for you mate i,ll keep this short 6.5k is a steal for the spec of that car i bought my h plate for 2400 knowing fine well she had to be thouroughly rebuilt took it on as a project 3500 on a full rebuilt block hks pistons 1800 for quaiffe box theres going to be 1000 min for good brake conversion and say another 700/900 suspension set up 300 powerflex bushes theres nearly 11k there foo.... hell i didnt realise that till i wrote this down pi...d off now :sad: :sad: get it bought and save yourself the hassle auf weidessen.

Fire & skill

Vintage member
if it was me it would be a toss up between the evo III and the gti-R - all it comes down to between them is a difference in taste. the evo will probably be seen as a bit more reliable, although ive never had any major issues with any of the 5 pulsars ive owned over the years.

with the R you'll have the element of surprise when it comes down to spanking expensive motors (which is lots of fun!), and theres huge scope for development here. as for the evo, well its all been done over and over again on the MLR, you will just blend into the crowd.

depends what you want really -

what do you want from a car?


Also don't forget the EVO 3 ended up as a Proton :shock: :doh: , Just Imagine how bad you'd feel pulling up at the lights next to a car that looks exactly the same, Only with a Proton badge on the boot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Oh the shame of it :lol: :lol: :lol:.

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Well-Known Member
Odin said:
Just Imogen how bad you'd feel pulling up at the lights next to a car that looks exactly the same, Only with a Proton badge on the boot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Oh the shame of it :lol: :lol: :lol:.
Its no different to one of us pulling up next to grandpa out on the weekly shopping trip in his 1.4LX sunny is it ;-)

And who's Imogen :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
well ive had a couple of big spec Rs now and a 500bhp plus evo and the evo was a better car i have to say the handling is incredible as standard and things like the front mount etc also make it cheaper for basic mods
the engines are the only let down as standard on the evos, its all about the rods the gtir's are like bricks and very strong then u see a piddly little evo rod thats waiting to jump out the block
the gtir also has better cams as standard
once u start modding the pair the big thorn is the gtir gearbox where the evo's is alot better built as they use a support on the main shaft to stop any movement etc and many 10 second evos have run standard box's

for working on, the evo is also alot easier a clutch is a 3-4 hour job if all goes smoothly we all know what a bitch the gtir clutch is and getting round the engine is alot easier due to more space

horses for courses really drive both you will see an evo is very good handling wise and does rev well
the gtir will probably fell quicker and launches very well

there both cars that will sap money from you ultimately so get your wallet ready

micra man

Odin said:
Also don't forget the EVO 3 ended up as a Proton :shock: :doh: , Just Imagine how bad you'd feel pulling up at the lights next to a car that looks exactly the same, Only with a Proton badge on the boot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Oh the shame of it :lol: :lol: :lol:.


stop smoking the drugs rob the e3 is a nmuch better looking car than the pulsar. in standard form it will spank the balls off the r. the e3 will stay neck and neck with a 1bar gtir.

both have shite brakes but when it comes to cornering the evo will win hands down20-30mhp quicker in the bends no bother, couldnt say nextor near my bros e3 down the twistes and my old r had full coilovers.

e3 much better cars but i love the r


Well-Known Member
micra man said:
20-30mhp quicker in the bends no bother
Comedy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes the evo handles better but the difference isnt anywhere near those sort of speeds!

rx jamie

New Member
the pulsar is the lighter car by many many many many kilos compared with scoobies and evos. that makes a hell of a difference when it comes to tuning.