Who's building engines these days?


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys

When my engine is out I would like to get it refreshed. it runs now but needs a bit of a clean and bits replaced as necessary. i would prefer to send it somewhere with experience of the SR and is known to the club. Anybody got any suggestions?

red reading

Active Member
Fusion, h.t Howard , just off the top of my head, what do you want a strip and refresh on a stock engine?


Well-Known Member
Yeah my engine is stock and runs ok, but while its out of the car I want it cleaned, gaskets and bearings or any worn parts changed.
I built an engine recently. Granted, it was a Haynes Build Your Own V8 Engine (batteries not included) but I damn well built it and ain't no one gonna take that away from me!

Dangerous Dave

Active Member
I built an engine recently. Granted, it was a Haynes Build Your Own V8 Engine (batteries not included) but I damn well built it and ain't no one gonna take that away from me!
No freaking way you built a V8 you legend! I bet your getting permanent sexy time from your other half, you the man who's the man your the man!

joking aside well done mate! How many times did you super glue your fingers together?


Staff member
Check your yellow pages etc for someone local given it's just a standard refresh. I'd been driving past my current engine builder for 10 years and hadn't realised he was there. Turns out he does all sorts of big engine builds as he's been doing it for 30 years. For a standard rebuild with standard parts you just need someone competent to follow Nissan's instructions.


Well-Known Member
Well I just visited my local engine builder and he said don't bother if it working. I know what he is saying but I feel I should do it. What do you guys think?


Active Member
If it aint broke it dont need fixing,replace all the hoses,check your wiring for any damage,give it a bit of spit and polish,replace the engine and gearbox mount bushes,generally replace anything thats broke or perished,thats what I would do.

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Depends how many miles its done. there is some merit in doing a rebuild BEFORE it all goes wrong. That way you can often save on not having a ruined crank/oil pump/oil cooler/rods (as if your engine has blown you try telling me how to guarantee a clean oil heat exchanger!)

That can safe a fair amount of money. And all the engine seals if original will be at least 20 years old now.