Who ran a 10.7 at santa pod today?


Staff member
I think we know which car this was...

Yes, this is a photo from TOTB... but I'm pretty sure you said the plates were "TOTB GTI-R".


Staff member
For a 10-second car, it has a reasonably standard looking engine bay. Yeah, you can see that's not the steel exhaust manifold and T28 turbo... but that's a standard plenum (although it is polished and modified slightly to remove the BOV fitting).
Standard fuel rail and FPR (although not standard injectors).
Standard leads (although I have no idea what plugs he's got).
Standard slam panel (although the radiator has evidently been changed to make room for the turbo).
Looks like the PCV is still in...even the battery is still at the front.
Forged internals (obviously), and a big front-exit (that required a bit of work to get it below 106dB at TOTB).

I appreciate that this set-up probably doesn't work for a track car, but I think it shows what you can achieve with these cars without replacing everything.
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Fast Guy

Staff member
10.1? Was it backed up by any times close to that? That's a big jump from 10.7.

I've seen a 10.0 from the pod before and that was a dodgy time.


Staff member
whos is it and are there any more photos or spec of it
It's Craig's car, but I don't really know the spec. It was originally Jason Grant's car, and it was built by DP Motorsports; Dave Perry Jr is still associated with the car (but not with the company as that collapsed). Definitely running A'Pexi PFC and AVCR, but other than that...?

There are a few videos on Youtube if you search for "TOTB GTIR". - Also look at the TOTB VIII thread, because people will have posted their pictures in that one.
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