who got a radar detector?


Active Member
The best type to go for is a GPS based devise that can have the database updated. Something like a TomTom One with the PocketGPS database loaded on it (I can point you in the right direction to get this for nothing!).
Radar is used in a very small amount of speed detection these days and so, you'd want more protection than a radar detector can provide. For example, the SPECS camera's that are becoming more frequent and the Truvelo front facing camera's, don't use radar afaik.

Don't bother with laser detection either as, it's a waste of money. They only detect the laser if, it's shone directly at the sensor, due to the inherent design of laser beam focussing. By which time, you've been caught. Oh, and for those that point out that "it will detect reflections !!", if it's detecting reflections, the laser isn't pointed at you anyway.



geoff pine

Well-Known Member
youngsyp said:
The best type to go for is a GPS based devise that can have the database updated. Something like a TomTom One with the PocketGPS database loaded on it (I can point you in the right direction to get this for nothing!).
Radar is used in a very small amount of speed detection these days and so, you'd want more protection than a radar detector can provide. For example, the SPECS camera's that are becoming more frequent and the Truvelo front facing camera's, don't use radar afaik.

Don't bother with laser detection either as, it's a waste of money. They only detect the laser if, it's shone directly at the sensor, due to the inherent design of laser beam focussing. By which time, you've been caught. Oh, and for those that point out that "it will detect reflections !!", if it's detecting reflections, the laser isn't pointed at you anyway.


And on top of all that the govenment is passing a law that makes radar detectors ilegal


South West Regional Rep
There are bugger all cops out there waiting with lasers these days anyway. And if they do you have such a short time to brake and when you brake hard they nick you LOL

I use the Garmin I3 SatNav which has all the static cameras on it and it was cheap. Had a road angel before and wouldn't go back


Active Member
geoff pine said:
And on top of all that the govenment is passing a law that makes radar detectors ilegal
AFAIK, they always have been illegal to use. I guess this new law is to stop ownership altogether ?!