Whining noise


New Member
Have noticed a whining noise on the car, it seems to only happen at low revs, any ideas? Transfer box maybe?


Active Member
Mine does this i thought it was the gearbox. I had this replaced and after still whinning so i just forget it. Its been doing it since october 2001 so dont worry :)


New Member
If only! Pretty sure its the gearbox making the noise, as long as it doesn't fall to bits i'm not fussed
What are the symptoms of a screwed box or does it just go?

Timur 008

I had a similar noise, it was the altenator.
maybe it's your too? or could be the water pump?? just a guess. :roll:


New Member
maybe its inside ur head the noise ;) LOL

could be alternator does it smell like burning when car is running?


New Member
Ha ha, yea maybe as it was happening in my last car also :lol:
No burning smell, also it only does it if i'm in gear??