Whining noise


si.c R

Took the car out for a quick blast this afternoon and after hammering it around for a bit i started to notice a whining noise when i took my foot off the accelerator, Sounded like it was coming from beneath the car and not from the engine. It was worse when i was doing over 60mph but then when i dropped to low speeds i didnt seem to hear it very much.

Any ideas :?: :?:

si.c R

Yeah i thought about both of those but i thought that if it was the diff it would be a permanent noise not just as i back off the accelerator. And if it was a wheel bearing it would be more of a high pitched noise rather than a deep whine.

Cheers for your speedy replies.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Wheel bearings are normally a rumbly sort of whine around corners, I'd say they were lower pitched rather than high pitch. Gearboxes tend to whine abit in most cases, mine does. It might be worth checking your oil levels just for the sake of it and just keep an ear on it. If it changes dramatically then start to worry. :?


i know its a different car but.....

on my westy, i had fitted a quaife lsd, after a while it began to do this, all was good when you were on the throttle, then as soon as you let off, it would whine, touch the throttle it would go, then back off, would whine again.

after a couple of weeks, the whine had turned into a rattle then it spewed its guts all over the road, the nose bearing on the diff had come loose.
when on the power, everything was being held together, then when off the power, things were looseing, hence the noise.


lets hope its a wheel bearing :D


my gtir whines abit in 1st gear, then goes as soon as your into second.

g'box oil change quietened it no end :)

si.c R

I changed the gearbox oil about 3 months ago but the whine has only started in the last couple of days. My car also has always been a bit noisey in first but fine in other gears.
When i changed the oil i only did the gearbox could that be causing any probs :?: :?:

Fast Guy

Staff member
It won't cause any problems, but if your rear diff or transfer box oils are low you won't have noticed. :? Just check your levels to be on the safe side.
Does it whine on the straight or on bends? The noise could be there all the time, but the engine might disguise it when on throttle.

si.c R

I did seem to notice it more on the straights at high speed. When i slowed for a roundabout it seemed to be quieter. I have done a short journey since i heard the noise and there was no noise at all :? , Mind you i only did a max of about 30 mph as i was in a queue of traffic.


New Member

dude you havn't got a woman trapped under the car have you :D
seriously though it sounds a bit like the gearbox :shock:
have you checked the gear oil level or condition


New Member
I think you would hear a wining gearbox at low speeds not high, coz i have a quaiffe and you can hear the wining more at low speeds than at high, but a Quaife's wining noise is a good 1.


andy n

mine whines all the time and its the bearings in the transfer box at the propshaft end. if its when you take your foot off its probably a touch of backlash in a cog as when you lift off the force transfers onto the back of the teeth. could be the 90degree bend in the transfer box.


I used to get a whining every time I drove it. Took me weeks to work out it was the missus. Now I just make the bit*h walk...Problem solved! :wink:

I'd probably agree with Andy N. Mine make a bit of noise when I back off. When I had the Box done I replaced all the bearings and it's still there.
