Which flamer kit?



In the olden days you could go to one or two companies and buy a complete flamer kit including coil, leads and basically everything you need

Unfortunately every man and his dog is now in on the act leading to cr@p kits that do all sorts like switch off your ignition instead of using a coilpack, none of which appeals

Can anyone recommend a company that makes good quality kits

And before all the old decrepit numpties in here jump on and tell me how you dont need one as they are for chavs or the R flames already... I know!
But I want it to flame better

So sod off! :p :lol:

H980 Pulsarkid

New Member
Wasn't it ssc or scs that did one of the original mainstream ones that kicked it all off - I had one on my 1.9 RS Tubby Escort - flamed like a biatch !! Yes yes I used to own a dagenham dustbin - but It was 4 years ago !

was £90 and was actually very good, all parts were good and did its job very well.


New Member
Stoned said:
And before all the old decrepit numpties in here jump on and tell me how you dont need one as they are for chavs or the R flames already... I know!
But I want it to flame better

So sod off! :p :lol:

why dont you get a propane bottle in the boot like that nobhead with the hideous almera :shock: :lol: flames well, looks sh!te but will get you just the mong effect you're after :wink:

H980 Pulsarkid

New Member
Andy Smith is his name if I recall - Almera that is absolutely bloo.dy annoying now as its been almost everywhere and its still going. Max Power feature for Jan/Feb time so I heard - yipppeeeee ! :roll:


It has to be one of the chavest mods you can fit to any motor :roll: :? .




And before all the old decrepit numpties in here jump on and tell me how you dont need one as they are for chavs or the R flames already... I know!
But I want it to flame better

So sod off!
:wink: :D


SCC Performance (01727867747) in St.Albans.. I only know because thats where I live :oops:


I got a SCC one on mine, two buttons and a switch to operate different flame sizes etc....

Wired half of it up just need to wire up the injectors so you can max them out if you want.

Still not finished the job as I lost the instructions about a year ago and forgot all about it.

So I have buttons in the dash that do feck all.

It pops bangs and flames without the buttons anyway, might get round to finishing it off next year.

Im not a Chav............I just like fire and burning stuff :twisted:


New Member
H980 Pulsarkid said:
Andy Smith is his name if I recall - Almera that is absolutely bloo.dy annoying now as its been almost everywhere and its still going. Max Power feature for Jan/Feb time so I heard - yipppeeeee ! :roll:
I've met him before(flamera andy),he said to me he's spent around 20k on his car :shock:
The only thing I like about his car is his bloody massive brembo brakes.
My GF thought his lambo doors were cool :roll:
Got some pictures somewhere.He was thinking of getting some carbon wheels next.He's got quite a few trophies.Didn't see his flames though.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
SunOnGTiR said:
Didn't see his flames though.
with gas all you get is similar to what you' d get if you lit a dogs fart....PPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! :lol:

i like the standard little blue jet flames but larger ones would be cool :lol: im kinda fond of fire and burning stuff too :lol:


The way mine is overfuelling at the moment until it gets run in and mapped, I'm getting some beauties with my flamer.

Managed to light up a flame to my rear spoiler when joining the motorway last week. :twisted:

Put it this way, not one car overtook me until I left at the next junction even though I was doing 60mph :lol: 8)



what the fu@k do u want a flamer kit for. Fu**in max flower or what ?

Your next question will be "how do i fit chromed up neon washer jets ?"

FFS do you see real rally cars with fake flames :evil:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
ShayneG said:
what the fu@k do u want a flamer kit for. Fu**in max flower or what ?

Your next question will be "how do i fit chromed up neon washer jets ?"

FFS do you see real rally cars with fake flames :evil:
no, nor nuclear powered ones either :wink: :lol:


So whos got a 'real' rally car then? a proper one? if you want more flames - flame the bitch up............i am drunk btw.

Any advise on fitting my neon washer jets :lol: want them to flash with my crazy frog album :D


Yes because my R looks like it would have all that doesnt it

If thats all your gonna post then please stick it in another thread, thanks


New Member
Thought i was helping!?When im down maccyD,s and i see all the other cars with flamer kits they usually have all the other components ive listed above.Dont you want to look cool? 8)