Which company??


Who shall I take my GTI-R too? I desperatly need a tune up. I have the option (off the top of my head) of Power station, Or Interpro. It needs to be done this week or ASAP. These are the only 2 companies I can really think of who have a good Rep. Interpro is closest to me - I live in Bristol.

If you have any other good companies then let me know please (if u have any bad then mail me off the forum 2 please)

Thanks in advance


go woth powerstation they have great knowledge of the car and you wont be disappointed


Dude - I'm coming down from London to Powerstation this week...

I found that Interpro and Powerstation both have a waiting lists... I booked into Powerstation about 10 days ago...

In the summer Interpro (along with a few others) had a circa 3 week waiting list. So don't be surprised if you can't get in, obviously depends on what you are after and the companies schedule...

I went for Powerstation, after plenty of recommendations from GTi-R Owners and great service over the phone...

Good luck



Due to the amount of good feed back I've had on Powerstation, I'm booked in there on Thursday 16th of this month at 3pm to sort out my majour overfuelling and give the car a good tune up.

Thanks for the help guys....