
Roy Archer

has my pot gone? Last night i posted up a question regarding anywhere in Essex i can get my new brakes fitted, got up this fine Sunday morning and i cant find it, any ideas?

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Roy Archer said:
has my pot gone? Last night i posted up a question regarding anywhere in Essex i can get my new brakes fitted, got up this fine Sunday morning and i cant find it, any ideas?
maybe you dropped it or smoked it all last night :lol:

it probably got moved to the tuning section :wink: but dont worry cos i made it fair and moved a couple of other posts that SHOULD have been shifted but for SOME reason were not :roll: :? :lol:

Roy Archer

not the one, i posted another about people or garages local who could fit them! gone, vanished, stolen. Now thats magic!


New Member
Thats how the powers that be deal with things they dont like around here,they delete and lock them.Good job their not in charge of anything more serious than a website :lol: :wink:
They also may have just moved it :wink:


he did because i replyed with Do It Yourself roy they arnt that hard simple bolt ons 8) 8) or take leon offer :) :)


It was me :wink: .

I did move it to tuning, But I noticed there was two posts the same and deleted one of them, But some how both got removed :? .

If you want to re post it in the right section fill your boots fella :wink: .


PS and yes it was old skoda :roll: :lol:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
vpulsar said:
It was me :wink: .

I did move it to tuning, But I noticed there was two posts the same and deleted one of them, But some how both got removed :? .

If you want to re post it in the right section fill your boots fella :wink: .


PS and yes it was old skoda :roll: :lol:
pmsl :lol:

i dont doubt that :lol:

it makes me laugh when people post exactly the same post on both forums...actually it gets right on my t1ts :roll: it makes for boring reading and its little more than crapspam :(