where does this go? / can i block them off

Hi All

I have recently bought another gtir :p.

But i have noticed somthing is missing under the bonnet (didnt notice at first).

Its to do with the vacum pipes i have notice that the black thing that is usally on the passenger side next to the abs pump is not there and have some pipes not connected on the plenum.

i would like to know if its important that there not there ect? or if i can block the pipes of






Well-Known Member
The black thing that's usually next to the ABS pump is the charcoal canister and is only
for emissions. People sometimes remove them.

The top pipe in your picture should be connected to the wastegate actuator, is the car overboosting? The other one dosent go anywhere, the idle screw is inside it.


New Member
The one form the Plenum can be a vacuum pipe for boost controller?
It wont run right with them open like that.

Check what could be missing. that might give a clue what would of been here.
thanks for help how should i reconnect it? im scared that the engine could already have damage :( as i drove it to france like this
spikey what pipe are you talking about top or bottom one? sorry just a little confused/ scared of what could / has happened to the engine.

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
The top pipe is the one that goes to the waste gate actuator and standard boost solenoid you can see the green line where the restrictor is fitted. How is the boost being control ???
just had a look at the car i have from the turbo a pipe to a bleed valve which has 3 nipples on it.

1st nipple from turbo

middle nipple blocked off

last nipple goes some place just behind the tps.

is this ok? if so the pipe that i was worried about in the first place do i block it off? (on the plenum)

thanks to all



New Member
spikey what pipe are you talking about top or bottom one? sorry just a little confused/ scared of what could / has happened to the engine.
The top one. Just block it off and see how the car runs. Most ppl use it for boost controller/ dump valve.


Staff member
Does this help at all:

Hose on the plenum connected to my dawes-style device.
One line connected to the FPR.
All the ports on the inlet manifold blocked-off with caps.
Carbon canister still in place, and connected to the vacuum lines on the underside of the manifold.
No hose over the idle screw.
Both boost gauges are connected to each other (so they should read the same thing until I go off the top of the original one); that might also be the hose I connected to the BOV. I don't remember.
ok thanks for help pobody the hose you connected your dawes-style device from the plenum i can block that off then ?

