where does this go and what is it?


New Member
where does this bracket attach to and is this a boost solenoid on it? also is it supposed to have 2 'outlets' on it as the top 1 appears to be snapped off.

also, how does the offside engine mount attach to block? has anyone got a pic of the bracket it uses.

am i right in thinking the mounts i need are:
1 offside engine mount
1 front stabiliser on block
1 rear stabiliser on transfer box 2
2 mounts on nearside of gearbox

is that it?


it attaches to the front of the engine where the black square tub mounts (oil seperator?), it shares the three drilled holes. The two bolts in the bracket support the front cradle of the top mount. That is the boost solenoid connected to it, and yes it should have two outlets approx 1cm apart. Hope this helps. :bounce:
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New Member
looks like i need a new boost solenoid then. how much do they go for?

any info on the engine mounts?


not sure how much they are, best speaking to bob, he is bound to have one. I dont use my one cos ive done the 1 bar loop which takes it out the system. Sorry cant help you with the engine mounts :noidea:


yep your right on all above with mounts and correct with the solenoid too
the o/s mount attaches to the block by means of a triangular shape alluminium bracket which is bolted to block then the mount bolts to top of bracket.