Where can i get a new arial

Roy Archer

Picked up my new 'R' this week took it to the car wash yesterday and the arial snapped and it looks like it had been glued on :eek: I need the whole thing!!!


Active Member
i got a spare sopme where if now try then out in halfords it think it was a ford or renault aerial will fit 8)


New Member
mine may still be in a bin bag, will let you know tomorrow, you can have it, its the whole lot that bolts to the roof, if not you can have the one off the black car but that will cost as i'll have to unbolt it :wink:

Roy Archer

cool i will get that when i come down before christmas if thats ok, still need all the other bits, when is good to come and see you?


New Member
Roy Archer said:
i need the whole thing not just the antenna bit
i took it off my yellow car the other week as it weighs to much :wink: :lol:

i'll rummage through my bin bag and see if its there for you


New Member
tell me what you want and i'll tell if you its in my easy to get at pile, or my yet to be removed pile..lol

pm preferably :wink:

Roy Archer

no i paid some immergrants a packet of buttons but once it had come off you can see where its screwed into the base it had been glued