Whee and tyre nightmare


Oh what a bloody pain, I came out to my pulsar to find the back tire flat. Not a huge deal I thought so I took it to the local tyre fitter for a repair. Oh no it had a sidewalk puncture so I needed a tyre, again, not the end of the world, except. They did not have a suitable tyre in stock. So I got them to fit the spare on and went home and started googling for the same replacement as the rest Avon zz1. Cool found one for £80 delivered and waited 3 days for it to be delivered only guess what! They sent a ZZ3 instead, different tread pattern and now I have an odd tyre. Not happy. So I called them only to be told the old tyre was discontinued so I've been sent a replacement. Bummer, now I have odd tyres so I'm not best pleased. Problem over? Not yet! I asked a mobile fitter to fit the tyre for me and after an hour of messing about, he managed to completely ruin the side of my alloy wheel with his tyre fitting machine and he broke my centre cap trying to remove it. He didn't have the cheek to ask to be paid and was apologetic but now I have a broken centre cap (and cant locate a matching one) and my wheel needs a refurb. Oh what a bloody day :(


To be honest I felt sorry for the guy. He was out working in the freezing conditions and everything he did seemed to go wrong. He felt terrible and didn't charge me so I guess I'm going to take it on the chin. I can't find a replacement centre cap so it looks like I might need a full set. As for the wheel I will have to get it refurbed asap.