whats this???



any ideas?
it was bolted up near the driver a pillar and has a type of knurled thing near the end which clicks round like a ratchet.
its made by nissan as it has a nissan logo on the base plate:? it has a flexible arm too!



New Member
Captain kirks intercom for speaking to mr spock when he is flying the starship enterprize....:lol: :lol:

Either that or some body liked playing withthem selfs whilst driving....:)


yes map reading light:) why has it got different notch settings though? does that adjust brightness of light?


cheers karl, suppose it has to be something like that!

this never came out the rally pulsar but i may keep it and stick it in there when i get round to restoring the thing!
thanks chaps:-D

matty..... i was thinking it was an intercom to god so you could say your dying prayer in the event of a bad rta:lol:


New Member
Nah no praying for me matey...i know where im going.....so there is no point in that.

I will leave all the praying down to braveheart.

besides which im a strict atheist....lol

I expect the last guy that had it in his car used it to try and find has willy when he got done by a nova at the traffic lights...lol
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New Member
mattytappy said:
Nah no praying for me matey...i know where im going.....so there is no point in that.

I will leave all the praying down to braveheart.

besides which im a strict atheist....lol

I expect the last guy that had it in his car used it to try and find has willy when he got done by a nova at the traffic lights...lol
I agree, it's a map reading light and yes... stick it in the rally slant R...;-)
As for me praying, I think the communication link has broken down and may look at joining a new sect... this one caught my attention:



New Member
the one in mine looks like it been factory fitted it on the passanger side, along with the flair holder, great at night fella when your waiting for the good lady makes reading the paper easy