Whats going on with the GtiR spares section?

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Well-Known Member
Went to click on it earlier when i was looking for something and i got a message saying only moderators can read that section :?

:?: :?: :?:


Well-Known Member
Thought i'd ask cos i didnt know if it was just me or if anyone else was getting the same thing thats all :wink:


South Yorkshire Regional Rep
Their website is no longer up, and you can't get them thru their link on the gtir modifiers site...suggests he's gone out of business to me :?:


Still waiting on some shims!
Either that or he's made enough money off the newbies with his over priced products to have now finished his car....



Staff member
He just asked for it to be locked so only mods & him could go into it.

You'll' have to ask him why he's done it.



The gtir.spares section works on the modifiers club website, I just checked it.
I am getting a clutch from him so have been in contact and his keyboard has broken, so maybe he closed the section until it works again.
I'll ask him l8r and see what he says.

Mr Overboooost

RishiGTiR said:
Either that or he's made enough money off the newbies with his over priced products to have now finished his car....

its stupid comments like that which have made me decide to close my section on this forum.
just got fed up certain people on here who are unable to hold a decent conversation without taking the pi.ss.
especially new members who come on here asking questions which have been asked many times before,its no big surprise that most of the sensible members have moved over the NGMC.

one person on here has already been banned from the modifiers club forum due to there stupid remarks.

no doubt i will get some typical comment from certain people so there will be no surprise there :roll:

it doesnt hurt to write a grown up answer does it :?:


P.S sorry if i have offended any of the admin with this post as you do try your best to keep this forum as sensible as possible and appealing to new members.


South Yorkshire Regional Rep
After a "grown up answer" :?: ....

Surely there's better reasons you can give to everyone who's supported you and your business that without whose help, you wouldn't have got where you are today and still be in business :?:

So people have said your parts or overpriced :?: So what :!: If people don't like your prices, they'll buy elsewhere, and as far as you should be concerned it's their loss. It happens in every business operating on the planet, they'll always be somebody cheaper. But enough people must be buying from you, otherwise you'd have shut up shop ages ago :?:

So we have new members asking questions :shock: Big deal, when i was a new member, i asked questions :!: It's what people new to the scene do :!:

And did you think that as this was a public forum that people who had comments to make, be they complementary, constructive or crass wouldn't make them :?: :shock:

From everything you've said, you give the impresson you've got mardy and upset that a few people have had daft things to say, so you insult nearly every member on here :

Quote:"its no big surprise that most of the sensible members have moved over the NGMC."

then give a big "up-yours" to everyone on here whose ever bought anything from you and sod off to greener pastures :?:

Well, as far as I'm concerned, with an attitude like that, we'll be better off without you :D

Mr Overboooost

donpulsar said:
After a "grown up answer" :?: ....

Surely there's better reasons you can give to everyone who's supported you and your business that without whose help, you wouldn't have got where you are today and still be in business :?i am sorry if this seems harsh the reason why i have closed my section is non of your business ,the people that need to know i have told
So people have said your parts or overpriced :?: So what :!: If people don't like your prices, they'll buy elsewhere, and as far as you should be concerned it's their loss. It happens in every business operating on the planet, they'll always be somebody cheaper. But enough people must be buying from you, otherwise you'd have shut up shop ages ago :?:]i am not concerned about people not buying for me as i am up for a bargain as much as anyone

So we have new members asking questions :shock: Big deal, when i was a new member, i asked questions :!: It's what people new to the scene do :!:]i dont think you understood what i meant ,new people come on here and ask questions which is usual only to get the pi ss taken out of them by individuals who should know better as we were all novices once

And did you think that as this was a public forum that people who had comments to make, be they complementary, constructive or crass wouldn't make them :?: :shock:]sure its a public forum but you expect everyone to talk to each other without throwing insults be it banter or not

From everything you've said, you give the impresson you've got mardy and upset that a few people have had daft things to say, so you insult nearly every member on here : ]i am not insulting all the members on the forum if i was i would have said

Quote:"its no big surprise that most of the sensible members have moved over the NGMC."]some have gone over for good but only due to the membership fees but most alternate between both forums

then give a big "up-yours" to everyone on here whose ever bought anything from you and sod off to greener pastures :?:]dunno where you got that stupid idea from as i have met a lot of the members from here who seem ok if not a little mad :lol: are you having a blonde moment

Well, as far as I'm concerned, with an attitude like that, we'll be better off without you :D
]hmmm attitude well if you think that then your welcome

if the mods want to delete this thread i am more than happy for you to do so before it gets out of hand and i lose the plot or say something i might not regret




I am sorry for your disappointment but Gary now works for me, I have employed him at one of my corners so I can pimp him....(insert gay comment here) heheheh j/k

Not to stand up for him but it's really up to personal preference on what he wants to do and the free will for him to say what he has to say. I know Gary and no I am not one of his over priced customers, nor am I his customer, I just know him from the NGMC and have met him a few times, in my opinion a top bloke and without a doubt I know if there are existing customers on this board, I am sure they will have his number or e-mail contacts for online requests, so giving them the "up yours" comment was a lil over excessive there matey, but however I know that he isn't too happy with a number of people here on the "oc"

And with the comment about better being here without him, I say that was very harsh, so has he ever ruffled your feathers before? He is just a straight up bloke and doesn't dodge around the truth from what I've seen so far, but he isn't here as a vendor no more, why are you some of you making such a big to do about it? Let it go, and besides, remember he IS overpriced, so stop badgering and go elsewhere where you will be happy.

I mean come on now, take for example if say Tesco's went out of business because Sainsbury's beat them on value over everything, would you have been moaning about it? Would you make a sassy comment about it just because you can have a better deal anyways? I think not, so come now lads, we're all grown ups here, lets act our age!

And for your information for those who didn't know, GTIR Spares was only Gary's side business as he has a main job, from what I know, don't make it out like as if he has a main job or that he owns a place like Demon Tweaks.

Anyways I am done ranting, and I do search these forums alot, just don't post alot, some good info here.

aka. AWD Freak

Mr Overboooost

theres no argument as far as i am concerned just someone getting the wrong idea as per norm :roll:



Staff member
I'd vote for closing/locking this thread too. :idea:

I've spoken with Gary before when trying to source parts and he is one of the good ones.

These sort of discussions will only create "bad blood" between members and we're getting close to forum bashing.

Enough already!!!!


I've locked this now, Its not going anywhere and Gary has answered the question asked about his site, And given his reasons for it.

And as he has said most of you can contact him on the modifiers site if you need bits, So All is well in the world :wink: .

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