What the hell has happened to the sanctity of Xmas!


Although i'm not officially working today i've had to go in to do a bit of work...sad i know but due to the below my girlfriend has been in work since 7am too!!! and am seriously getting the ump with all the IDIOTS that are out shopping on Boxing day....what the hell is wrong with these utterly moronic, in-breed, low life gypos...it'll keep until tomorrow or any of the 360 odd days of the year you losers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway can anyone seriously offer an explination as to WHY retailers open on Boxing day...i can't help but think is it due to the fact that there are so many non-english people now living in the UK that that obviously don't celebrate Christmas and therefore that creates a demand for retailers to open today.

Thank God for the likes of Asda and M&S (a Jewish owned and ran company by the way) who appriciate what Christmas is about and don't make demands on staff to give up there time with family, friends or simply slobbing on the sofa for a few days to "meet the needs of the business"

Its once again put a real downer on my Christmas as after working until 2am on the 23rd then a full day on Xmas eve and i've been in work today, i will "need" to be in for the Monday and Tuesday bank holidays, new years eve and new years day.

Glad i've got that all of my chest.....seriously why are people out shopping :evil:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
dunno mate im totally gutted for you :( i used to work in the shipping/fuel industry which runs 365 days a year. its that same sad old story....

time is money :roll:

I flatly refused to go shopping today :!: i did my bit mate :wink:


New Member
im self employed and not exactally flush for cash so to me time really is money but i still made a week or so for my family/friends/beer/car over the festive season you've got to really aint you. just means that front mount will have to wait :cry:


Active Member
I dont work all year if that helps :lol: :lol: :lol: And i dont go shoping all year aswell :lol: :lol: Hmmmmmmm i think thats bcause i dont work tho :lol: i have no money to go shoping :lol: :lol: :lol:
As you say tho, "why" do ppl feel the need to go shoping the day after christmas day :?: Its not like the sales start on boxing day :roll: They have the january sales start half way through december :roll: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
I drive for NFT/sainsburys and i am due back in 2 hours, had to leave the party and the GF's :cry: Now i am slowly getting ready :(

Fast Guy

Staff member
deank93 said:
Anyway can anyone seriously offer an explination as to WHY retailers open on Boxing day...i can't help but think is it due to the fact that there are so many non-english people now living in the UK that that obviously don't celebrate Christmas and therefore that creates a demand for retailers to open today.
They are open due to MONEY and also they'll probably offend some minority if they close for Christmas :evil:

I hope noone is working today as today is the official replacement Christmas day bank holiday. :)



Fast Guy said:
deank93 said:
Anyway can anyone seriously offer an explination as to WHY retailers open on Boxing day...i can't help but think is it due to the fact that there are so many non-english people now living in the UK that that obviously don't celebrate Christmas and therefore that creates a demand for retailers to open today.
They are open due to MONEY and also they'll probably offend some minority if they close for Christmas :evil:

I hope noone is working today as today is the official replacement Christmas day bank holiday. :)

Well i'm working yet again :evil:


I actually had some stupid woman in one of my shops say to a member of staff that she felt really sorry for him having to work Boxing day so i said to her if you feel that bad about it go home! she looked a bit confussed so i pointed out to her that the only reason he was working and not at home with his family and friends is because of pillocks like her who can't enjoy a relaxing day at home and have to come out shopping....some people are so thick.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
deank93 said:
I actually had some stupid woman in one of my shops say to a member of staff that she felt really sorry for him having to work Boxing day so i said to her if you feel that bad about it go home! she looked a bit confussed so i pointed out to her that the only reason he was working and not at home with his family and friends is because of pillocks like her who can't enjoy a relaxing day at home and have to come out shopping....some people are so thick.
LMFAO! :lol:


New Member
deank93 said:
I actually had some stupid woman in one of my shops say to a member of staff that she felt really sorry for him having to work Boxing day so i said to her if you feel that bad about it go home! she looked a bit confussed so i pointed out to her that the only reason he was working and not at home with his family and friends is because of pillocks like her who can't enjoy a relaxing day at home and have to come out shopping....some people are so thick.
10/10 8)

poor old girl probably only wanted a big mac and fries :D :D

only kidding dean, a few of my mates had to go back to work early. spoils any plans we had, :(


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
dunno mate im totally gutted for you :( i used to work in the shipping/fuel industry which runs 365 days a year. its that same sad old story....
Im in the shipping industry and i have been working straight through xmas. Was working from 5am on boxking day till 6am this morning :shock: :?



I had to work on Christmas day as well from 4pm to 3am on boxing day :oops: , So I come in from work and go to bed for a little well earned nap 8) , Only to be woken by Vikki at 530am so I could take her shopping in Edinburgh which is like 170 miles away :shock: . We got back at about 4pm just in time for me to start work again at 430pm :cry: :cry: .

And of cause I had to do it with a big cheesy smile on my face all day otherwise be accused of ruining her Christmas :shock: :cry: .

Oh and she spent my whole Christmas day wages on a new jacket :cry:


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
vpulsar said:
I had to work on Christmas day as well from 4pm to 3am on boxing day :oops: , So I come in from work and go to bed for a little well earned nap 8) , Only to be woken by Vikki at 530am so I could take her shopping in Edinburgh which is like 170 miles away :shock: . We got back at about 4pm just in time for me to start work again at 430pm :cry: :cry: .

And of cause I had to do it with a big cheesy smile on my face all day otherwise be accused of ruining her Christmas :shock: :cry: .

Oh and she spent my whole Christmas day wages on a new jacket :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

nothing like being married to someone that rates fashion above R parts :lol:

cant imagine what she said when she found out you' d blown 30k on your R :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Dooie Pop Pop said:
cant imagine what she said when she found out you' d blown 30k on your R :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What do you think she keeps rubbing in my face if I ever dare to complain about her spending habits :cry: :oops: .

But she did say that maybe I should get the engine rebuilt before we move back down in the new year :wink: 8) .


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
vpulsar said:
What do you think she keeps rubbing in my face if I ever dare to complain about her spending habits :cry: :oops: .

nah :wink: i imagine Mrs VPulsar to be kind, sensitive and understanding to your needs...........

not :lol:

cant stop a women from shopping thats just askin for it :(