what sensor have i removed?


right i needed to change the cold start device so i got to work taking off what i thought was the coldstart device. now i have it off bob has told me ive taken the wrong sensor off:doh:
the one i have taken off is the one round the back off the manifold it has two water pipes connected and two air pipes and one multi-plug.
does anyone know what sensor i mean?
i have been told i can just leave it off and link the pipes together is this true?
help please


New Member
is it a thin black square about 2 or 3 inches big? if so without it you wont be able to start your car from the key. i had this left off once and when connected the car started


New Member
wouldnt start at all. the starter motor didnt work until that was connected. im not sure but was told it was an air/idle sensor or valve.
try starting it with it off to be sure.


it defo starts with the mutiplug disconnected, i know becuase i forget to connect it up once. mabe where talking about two differant items?