what is this?


New Member
There are quite a few uses for this switch. Tap in the code supplied with the alarm and it will put your Clifford into valet mode or if you have Blackjax it will over ride the system once activated. Also, if you have Clifnet then this switch will be need to get your alarm logged onto a laptop via the Clifnet port.

Which Clifford alarm do you have?


Active Member
you can also change the sensitivity of the alarm for the sensors interior sensors, glass sensors and the tilt sensor. just go to a clifford dealer and they will give you the chirp codes and books to be able to use it as long as you take your car ofcourse to show them that you have a clifford and be extra nice and polite as most tell you to fook off.


Active Member
you can also turn the code on/off for the auto door lock feature, i jumped in my car after work oneday started car up jumped out for a ciggy, left my car running shut the door went back to my car after my ciggy and it locked itself with all windows up and running :doh: was running for about a hour untill i went home and got my spare key to open the door i quickly used that switch to turn that feature off.
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