What Happened


New Member
I was out and gave it some stick 1st 2nd 3rd then...
would not go into 4th change into neutral pulled over and only the top gears were selectable 1st 3rd 5th could not shift downwards past netutral. so 2nd 4th R were not selectable so drove down the road were i pulled up again and switched engine off. Left it for 5min then tried changing gears with engine off and no problem all was fine. So drove home and all well. What could of caused this ???


Active Member
Mine did a similar thing, half fixed itself then got stuck in 5th.It a was a broken 3/4 selector fork and it destroyed 3rd gear.

red reading

Active Member
Baulk ring energiser spring's or detent's are worn,both are a gearbox strip to repair.and if not done will cause more aggro in the future

red reading

Active Member
I'd take this advice and have it looked at before the box becomes totally useless.

I can only advise george,whether people listen is a different matter:roll:.The gearboxes are 20yo now and the detent spring's are going saggy/losing there strenth, causing these problems. and the energiser springs take a hiding on them too. funny thing is they cost next to bugger all as part's but if neglected can and will screw the gear assembley;-)