What happened to mr keiron


New Member
The black car became poorly due to neglect after the yellow car entered my life and all my time and effort has been dedicated to getting it done, seeing as my statement of "it'll be ready for summer" turned out to be pure S.h.!.T.E and i've only been using the black car to drive back and forwards to cunning plan head quarters i have taken the black car off the road and its currently sat lost and lonely in an old ladies garage with just spiders for company :cry: originally i was going to give the black one to the missus but she is now the proud owner of an ignis sport which i have already decided will be turbo'd when i finish the yellow car :twisted:

As for my black one still not sure what to do with the bloody thing, i say spare parts donor for the yellow car mates all say sell it whole :?

As i'm now technically 'r' less despite still owning 2 of the poxy things i have resorted to driving the 205 weapon, a pitiful, sorry excuse of a car that puts out less at the flywheel than the black car lost through the transmission :lol:

I did however modify it in its first day of ownership 8)

the little sh!tbox is the best 8) filled it up last week and the fuel gauge hasn't moved 8) :lol:, i cant possibly get any more points as its so damn slow you'd have to be trying real hard to break the speed limit :lol:

and so the deisel weasel ( yes i know diesel is spelt wrong :wink: ) has been born, i was stupid enough to tune a diesel turbo once so feel right at home in the nasty sounding old banger :lol:

as for the yellow car i had one of my odd moments and decided to remove all my piccys as i've returned to secret squirrel activities with my cunning plan :wink:

but as you've asked:

all suspension stuff is done, brakes are done, front bumper is ready for painting, interior is stripped completey other than dash board and door cards which i still have to sort out, loom has had all the bits removed that i no longer require, inside rear of car is re-painted, just got to do the front which is todays job 8) seats should be here next week 8) still got to sort the fuel system out but most of its here, just fuel lines and another pump needed, engine isn't built but most of its here, turbo has been sold as i'm going bigger :twisted: and have had a cunning plan with that when it comes to fitting it :idea: still got loads to do and seeing as im such a waster dont hold your breath for it being done anytime soon :lol:

the longer its taking the more dumb ideas i keep having :shock: and the more parts are required to get it built, was only supposed to be a re-built 400-450bhp gti-r when i started last year, it would have been done if i stuck to that plan :roll: :lol: .

as for my pointless posts i still get them in everynow and then but theres not many chaps left that appreciate them :( :lol:


New Member
I've got the perfect solution for you so listen carefully, don't sell the black r and dont what evr you do break it i say sell the that little ignisi thing that you have bought put the money in the bank :D and give the black r to the misus that way you have enough money to fix the little shit boxes when they go wrong :!: :!: and can enjoy the r im sure its more fun than that ignis your misus has got :?:

it will also save you from another project that will never get done (turboing the ignis) dont think that will start any time soon and definatly wont finish any time soon

see ive given you the best solution :p

and we do appreciate your pointless posts is a part of the forum :shock:


New Member
turbo_boost said:
give the black r to the misus that way you have enough money to fix the little Skoda boxes when they go wrong :!: :!: and can enjoy the r im sure its more fun than that ignis your misus has got :?:
other than the noisey gearbox there isn't actually alot wrong with the black one, just silly little things that i cant be @rsed to sort out and it looks abit tatty, nothing a weekend wouldn't sort out tbh.

just lost interest in the black car really :( , not going to do anymore to it so no point having it :wink: I sort of have decided what i'm doing with it but i look at it and dont want to take it apart :lol: the go fast bits will be getting sold off and its most likely that the running gear, engine and transmission will be kept as spares for the yellow one. I keep telling mates the parts are worth more to me than the money i'd get as if i break a shaft or diff or whatever i can fix the car straight away without the agro of hunting around for bits. With a spare engine i can get it rebuilt when everything else is done and have it waiting if (when :cry: ) the other one ever goes pop :cry: :cry:

seems like the most sensible thing to do, i have no real interest in having a quick road car anymore :( as i keep getting myself in trouble :roll: :lol: and it's only a matter of time before i get banned and have to take up doing jigsaw puzzles at home and riding a f.o.oking push bike everywhere and that aint happening.. :(

The ignis is a funny little thing, handles really well for a standard car, its just abit slow :shock: :lol: As for turbo'ing it, had a look the day we got it and know you could get one in there :lol: i told the missus i'd get it done in a weekend after everything is made up :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

there is a supercharger kit for them already so that would be another option 8)