What do you think?



Sadly i sold the Sunny the other day and after a lot of complicated dealing away it went looking fantastic sniffle sniffle.The car was FSH and oil+filter 3000miles.I put a fresh turbo on less than 10,000miles ago and no probs at all.Anyone who has seen it will tell you how good it is.The lad who bought it seems a top bloke and was happy my beloved was going to a good home.He lives a long way from me and the next evening i got a text saying the turbo is blowing smoke? I havent had a problem and always warm up and cool down and i sold it running great(totally standard never run+ boost) I feel poo if this has happened and cant understand it? Sad mood for the weekend!


New Member
Sounds a bit ominous to me mate, the times ive seen the R it was never blowing smoke and i presume that when you sold it, it wasn't blowing smoke so it is as usual sold as seen at that time.

Its not brilliant news but i wouldn't feel bad mate no way. He's probably ragged the shit out of it in the first 10mins of having it and thought reving to the limiter every time he puts his foot on the pedal is good for the car:roll: although i may be wrong and he's just been unlucky that its gone after being bought:?

I would be more sad about not having the R again than the turbo or something else blowing, enjoy the weekend and the lack of red bills on the front door mat;-)


Chris G

Don't get too worried about it :)

I sold my R5 GTT to a lad in December, I hadn't had any bother with it and it was running fine. Half an hour later got a phone call saying it was playing up and had cut out :( . Feeling guilty I went and met him, gave him his money back as he assured me he still wanted it, but just wanted the probs sorting.
Next day I had a look and all it turned out to be was a blocked carb jet, cleaned it out and it was running great again:) Phoned him up and he said he couldn't pick it up till after Christmas, and never answered his phone again :(

You could rack yourself with guilt but when it comes down to it, if it wasn't a problem when you had the car then theres no point in stressing because ITS NOT YOUR FAULT, just bad luck.

Hope this makes you feel a bit better :)


Cheers fella! Have spoke to him and think he was getting carried away.Turns out he had only seen a couple of puffs of smoke on boost.Not constant smoke or clouds of it! Told him its prob overfueling a tad? He is fine now and i have stopped worrying! cheers:)


New Member
Sorry to hear that you have sold it as it was a very nice car. Can't believe you have owned it 5 years plus and i've only every seen it once despite you living in Wigan!!

Hope the new owner looks after it like you did fella ;-)