What do people think of Silkolene Oils?


I have always used Silkolene Oil for my car since being recommended by powerstation and just wondered how people rate it.

I have Pro S 10w50 engine oil, and pro srg 75w90 gearbox.

I ask cause I have some pro srg left and would only nee 1 tub of it to replace all fluids, instead of buying all new Red Line MT-90.

Another reason for using pro s in my engine is I buy it straight from silkolene factory for less than £20 a tub.

Any thought?



Sounds perfectly good and Silkoline are a widely used company in motorsport circles. Give it a go, it's better than spending £70-odd for the Redline stuff.


New Member
Funny............Me and my Dad have alway's used Silkoline oil in our bikes, his being a Fireblade and mine being CR250's mainly.

But i've never used it in a car, i've just always associated Silkoline with bikes.

Let us know how you get on.



my car was serviced at powerstation last septemeber and they used silkolene oil (15w50). Oil temperature stays at the second line and the pressure is fine too. Havent used any other oils so cant really compare. However next i will be using castrol rs 10w60 as so many people recommend it.