What causes torque steer?



steve963 said:
I know its torque:roll:

anybody know why it pulls to the side?

I think it's because of the open front diff, I think cars with proper front LSD's fitted just pull straight, But I maybe wrong ;-) .



Active Member
All sorts of things although, generally, it's different length drive shafts. This means that each shaft is receiving a different share of the torque created by the engine.
This can be helped by an LSD.

You shouldn't have this on a 4wd car though, the above will apply to fwd cars.

If you have these symptoms on the GTiR, check your tire pressures to start with. You might have a seized brake caliper maybe ?! If none of these, get your alignment checked.

It could even be the road you're using. Ruts caused by HGV's etc... can cause havoc with the way the car handles on the road !

Fusion Ed

Active Member
In my experience you never get same grip on all driven wheels. One will always break before the other, (or be on the verge of doing so) when this happens traction will momentarily be lost and the steering load changes. LSD doesn't always help either. It can help in the sense that if one wheel breaks free it locks the diff so keeps drive on the wheel that is not spinning, but if both wheels spin the LSD has nothing to do, they come in to their own much more around bends where the inside wheel looses traction etc.


New Member
I thought it was when one driven wheel gets more power that the other but doesn't loose traction. As it is trying to speed up more than the other wheel it trys to turn the front of the car.


Mine torque steered all over the place last time at the pod if I gave it a few to many revs :doh: :doh: .

I'm hoping that fitting the Phantom Grip pretend LSD will help :lol: ;-) .
