What are these?


Active Member
Just in the process of relocating the battery to the boot, and want to scav the original positive post connector , does anyone know what the red connector blocks are?

Also, it would appear I have an FET Twin Relay and another red connector block attached to my lights. Theres a load of cabling on this as well and its just plain messy, so I want rid. What exactly does this do??

Feeling thick and loving it!! :roll:
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The red block is a fused link I believe, I've removed mine but I wouldn't recommend you doing the same mate, The other stuff is probably some fancy high power light 5hit, I had the same thing on mine as the previous owner had fitted a PIA light system, Which I promptly ripped out because as you say it's messy lol .

Oh and please post in the right section in future :doh: , This isn't the modifiers site you know matey :roll: .



Active Member
The Red block is just a connector, as far as im aware there isnt a fusible link in there. I kept mine when i re-located the battery, this is how i did it.