Wet passenger footwell



I've tried everything but nothing seems to work. I've had a mate (mechanic by trade) take the glovebox out but he couldn't find anything broken or split. All he could do was use some sealent on anything that may leak water.

Its definately coming from underneath the dash as I've found water dripping from that area. Usually this occurs after the car has been washed or rained on.

During my searches on this forum I came by this topic:


Its about 4 years old now by it contains links posted by Fastguy showing how to solve this problem. However these links have since gone dead. Does anyone know where/what they linked to? Alternatively if anyone has this information could they post it for me.

thanks alot

R-Factor (Pissed-off R owner with a wet passenger footwell)


New Member
Yes I went through the same thing. It is most likely to be coming in through the air vent under the wipers. I bet when you remove the cover you will see the metal plate is rotted away. I used plastic to replace the cover and siliconed it in place.
Good luck.


New Member
You will also fing the water drips from between the blower housing and the aircon rad houseing.


could also be your heater matrix leaking! thats the first thing i would have checked for, its directly above the passenger footwell


New Member
That is a goodpoint but when R-factor says it only happens when washed or rained on it shouts to me the problem I had.


dobby said:
That is a goodpoint but when R-factor says it only happens when washed or rained on it shouts to me the problem I had.
ah right i didnt read that bit:der: