Weird Problem!!


New Member
My cars underperforming! Sometimes it goes fine, other times it holds back but it boosts fine, the standard gauge and aftermarket ones are still going to the normal levels!

It just doesn't feel as fast as it should, the other day I was comming off of a slip road and put my foot down boosted fine then all of a sudden it stopped boosting and I almost hit my head off of the windscreen!! Gauges were working fine and it sounded as if air was escaping from under the bonnet!!

I've checked for boost leak but I can't see anything, also would it not hold back all of the time if it was boost leak???

The car also it's reving up as fast as what it used to, anyone got any ideas as what could be causing this??


Sounds like a boost leak to me (I have plenty of experience with these) You may not be able to see it. Ideally you want to pressure test the intake system, this would show up any leaks.


possible fuel starvation, was the tank very low when you accelerated?
check your fuel filter!
also check the clamps and pipes to your intercooler, they maybe loose or leaking under heavy acceleration


Boost leak!!!!!!

Ive just had exactly the same thing.
It would boost fine and hard then up the revs it would be like someone had cut the power very violently and suddenly.

I found out the silicone hose that runs from the plenum to the actuator had torn through cos of me overtightening the hose with a jubilee:oops: :doh: :der:

I would put money on it that its someting similar.



New Member
pulsarboby said:
possible fuel starvation, was the tank very low when you accelerated?
check your fuel filter!
also check the clamps and pipes to your intercooler, they maybe loose or leaking under heavy acceleration
I never run the car with less than 1/4 tank and it had about 1/2 a tank when this happend! One of the intercooler clamps was loose but I had changed this before this had happend!!

I'm gonna check all the hoses again but if I can't see it looks like it'll be a trip to The Garage!!

Oh and the HKS FCD I've already got 3 of these fitted just to make sure!!!!! :)


gunmetalgtir said:
Oh and the HKS FCD I've already got 3 of these fitted just to make sure!!!!! :)
think you will find you need 4 one for each cylinder ;-) :roll: :lol:

on a more serious note has the fuel filter ever been changed ?


hi mate, ive heard the standard fuel pump can be dodgy on these, try checking your fuel pressure and give your injectors a clean, mine was intermittently holding back due to this and i ended up busting my rings, just a thought


New Member
I had a similar problem i checked fault codes and it turned out to be the crank angle sensor.
which is found in the dizzy. I had to replace the full dizzy and it solved my prob


New Member
I picked up a GTIR last month and felt it was running a bit funky. It seemed to pick up ok at low revs but stuttered and hesitated badly between 4.5 - 5k rpm. When I layed off the gas the damned thing wanted to go. Not good when you are entering a corner looking for engine breaking. It was also idling high (1100rpm) and just felt a bit unwell.
The car it's self is bulk standard except for a mongoose exhaust (without cat) and sump guard but with a poor service history (jap 18k service). I bought it off a farmer who had owned it for 4 years and done 2k miles in that time. It has 60k on the clock, it was imported in 2002.
Anyway, given the service history and poor performance, I booked it in for the full boona.
Falkland performace changed all the fluids, plugs, point, air filter (now K&N) front disks and pads and rear pads. (disks and pads were well shot.... it was grinding along)
I was full of hope but the car was still running poorly.
It turned out to be the knock sensor (error code 34) This sensor they explained was there to pick up pinking etc and when triggered would retard the ignition timming by 6deg. It's meant to reset it's self but did not and I thing I will source a new sensor.
They reset the ECU and the error was gone. The car is now running fine. Much smoother, pulls all the way through the rev band and thankfully enters engine breaking now when I gas off. I did refrain from taking it out on the track at knock hill last sunday however as I have a sneaky suspition the problem would return plus I did not want to buy another set of brake pads so soon.

Hope this information helps and I may post it in a couple of other places on this web site.

Lang may your lumb reek... all the best Braveheart (Scott)