Weird One!!!


New Member
:D Hi guy's,bit of a strange one this,but here goes!Right,went to THOR a couple of weeks ago(as you know :lol: )and at one point on the rollers,the 'R' started to seriously over fuel and loose power :shock: Well after about 15mins,we tracked it down to the spark plugs,they were loose :shock: :shock: :shock: ,felt a little embarassed at this point as i'd fitted them myself about 6 weeks earlier and they were definatley tight :!: Well since coming back from THOR,the car has been fine until about 4 days ago,when i noticed on startup it sounded abit SCOOBYPOOish,so today i thought i'd check the plugs,and again they were loose :shock: :shock: :shock: Any ideas guy's :?:


I feel a bit of hellicoil work coming on after the plug threads are stripped from an alloy head... :roll:

Torque wrench to the correct setting only.


hmmmmmmm strange one really as u shudent really do them up that tight mate be careful as u really really dont wanna do them to tight


Active Member
They shouldn't need much more than 15-20 ftlb's to do them up. On my last plugs, it stated do them up until the washers start to compress, then anothe 1/4 turn. This isn't tight at all.
Don't think I am taking the piss here mate but, are you sure they are the right plugs ? I would buy another set and see if they fit better. Try
You can get Denso iridiums for about £40 all in :D

Fast Guy

Staff member
zia said:
use a proper torque wrench

Yes, but you'll need one that goes quite low.

zia said:
or do them F.T

F.T as in F*cking tight? Nooooooooooo!!!! You'll strip the threads in the head.
Plugs are normally about 4 white knuckles :wink: (14-22lbft in the manual)


New Member
:lol:Thanks for the p*ss take guy's,knew i could count on ya :lol: I've been fitting plugs for a good few years now,so i should know how tight to do them up :!: Just as i said i fit them as normal,then when i went to THOR,they were loose,THOR then tightened them up,and i checked them today,cos it didnt feel right and they were loose again :!: I've tightend them up as normal,and gave them a little more(but not over tight),so i'll leave it a couple of weeks and see how they go :wink: And they are Denso IK24's :D

Fast Guy

Staff member
Do they have a washer on them? Someone had a problem with loose plugs quite a while back now, but I can't remember who it was and what caused/cured it. :oops: :?


New Member
Fast Guy said:
Do they have a washer on them? Someone had a problem with loose plugs quite a while back now, but I can't remember who it was and what caused/cured it. :oops: :?
Yes mate,they have,when i was at THOR,we took them out to check and they all had them on :!:


New Member
hasthis happened since you replaced the plugs if so change again ( my choice NGK )

If continous problem i would check the threads in the head

Brett G

If you can get new washers I would try them, maybe crush or spring washers!? Maybe your ones are just no good for whatever reason (done up too tight in the past or something) It definately sounds like that mate :wink: