weight saving?


New Member
Im looking to lose a bit of weight off the R but i still want it to look good and keep some of the luxuries ie the dash and the rear seats etc. so what r the best parts to loose? those sticky metal plates that are stuck to the floor of the r are they worth losing? i think it maybe sound deadening? if so does it make much difference and will it make the car rattle if i remove it? what else r good things to remove?


Active Member
Read the stickies at the top of this forum for weights of stuff.The tar weighs over 30lbs apparently and is coming out of mine.

one Gti-R

losing the air con helps abit especiall because its weight loss over the front wheels.

If you want to lose weight out of the GTI-R I strongly recommend losing weight from over the front axles whereever possible.

Having said that its easier said than done


those "plates" arent metal, they are sheets of tar. Get some compressed gas like CO2 or nitrogen (something non flammable and non poisonous).

Turn the canister upside down and let the liquid CO2 or nitrogen fall on the tar (DO NOT LET THIS TOUCH YOUR SKIN!!!!). You can then chisel it off with a painters chisel. Wear long sleeves and gloves when you do this.

An alternative to the gases is dry ice. Regular ice in a bag works but it gets everything wet.