water getting inside my door.

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New Member
How about you get off your ass, get a Bucket of water and Poor it over the the roof/ around the door and windows.
Get someone to sit inside and they can check.

What is it with all these lazy Questions Lately. :doh:

Fast Guy

Staff member
It's probably running down the window and passed the seal into the door. There is drain hole towards the front I think, make sure it's clear and the water can escape.


New Member
I was thinking that :) But he does keep the forum busy :)

Plus i thought he never takes it out in the rain anyway :)

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
100% of the questions you are asking have been answered before....

The search button is your friend :thumb:


New Member
Have i? I just stated facts. its not just him so many ppl ask what tire pressure what coolant what pants shall i wear today.
Its just ppl can be so lazy.


Not that I should have to justify myself in a forum but I'm going to.

First I never post a question without first checking the search facility. Unfortunately not all questions are answered in the kind of detail I was looking for and often when someone posts a question they get solutions but never post which one solved their individual problem.

Second, I've just fitted an expensive speaker kit to my car and dynamatted the doors, therefore upon finding a leak it would be plain stupid to throw a bucket of water at my window and soaking everything to find a leak when I could ask a question here to find out if it's a trouble spot or common issue.

Third, if you don't like me or my question, ignore it and either post your own or move to one that sparks your interest.

Fourth, you shouldn't upset your customers, but more than that you shouldn't upset your friends, especially when on your birthday all of your others let you down.

Fifth, thanks fast guy for your answer. :)
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red reading

Active Member
Not that I should have to justify myself in a forum but I'm going to.

First I never post a question without first checking the search facility. Unfortunately not all questions are answered in the kind of detail I was looking for and often when someone posts a question they get solutions but never post which one solved their individual problem.

Second, I've just fitted an expensive speaker kit to my car and dynamatted the doors, therefore upon finding a leak it would be plain stupid to throw a bucket of water at my window and soaking everything to find a leak when I could ask a question here to find out if it's a trouble spot or common issue.

Third, if you don't like me or my question, ignore it and either post your own or move to one that sparks your interest.

Fourth, you shouldn't upset your customers, but more than that you shouldn't upset your friends, especially when on your birthday all of your others let you down.

Fifth, thanks fast guy for your answer. :)

Oooo now now, handbags at 20 paces an all that.

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
I would think its common to most cars as they all have drain holes in the bottom of the doors i have not had the door cards off for around 5 years i will give it a few minutes with a hose pipe tomorrow and let you know how much gets through .


gotta say that there are some ridiculous questions being asked nowdays lol........how do i fix number plate to my car on the other forum springs to mind lol
why dont people use their brain anymore : / is it just laziness, the only way you learn stuff is by trying things yourself you dont need to go on a forum to ask such basic simple things which a lot of is just plain old common sense.

your not the only one perrin there are a few of you

anyway an idiot abroad starts again tomorrow love that programme:lol:
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I've not asked stupid bloody questions. I asked if its normal for water to get inside the door. FFs! Feels like bloody persecution. I've deleted the well written question and now it's time for a mod to step in and delete the topic. I wish the forum would allow topics to be closed when a bunch of immature idiots hijack the hell out of them. I thought this was an owners club, not a hormonal wives meeting. Wish I'd not bothered.
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