Water Bottle

Big Sve

New Member
Dont know the actual name for it becuase im an idiot but i need a replacement Overspill bottle thingy wotsit that comes off the radiator because ive dropped the cap in the engine bay and its welded itself to the block. Yes im an idiot, yes im stupid so lets get the ripping out the way and someone help me :doh:


Staff member
overflow bottle/expansion tank

I think the standard Sunny/Almera has the same lid on it's overflow bottle, go down the scrappy and find one


Big Sve

New Member
im in blackpool in two weeks is that close enough lol, not driving for a while as head gasket is just geting replkaced, ps drunk so sorry for spellin.

only need the cap, bottle is fine, i tried lucozade and ribena yet none would suffice! :der: