was any1 @ pod on 9th April 06???



I was having trouble in my "R"

I had some help from Justin (a fellow "R" owner) with Clutch Adjustment but it didn't seem 2 allow me 2 rag it still.

Was any1 there & watched my runs or have any advice for me?



bob!!?!??!??!?! :lol: :lol:

Sorry I couldnt get it any better than we did mate :cry: Altho I do actually think you are making excuses just cause I whooped ya up the strip :lol: :lol:

Anyway, If you can wind the master cylinder rod in a tad more it should lift the biting point on the pedal hopefully making it a tad easier to change gear. Just undo the lockin nut on the rod and turn it clockwise a turn and see if that helps. Of not then it could well be time for a new clutch mate :cry:

One of my mates has all of the day on video includin most of your runs i think. As soon as he has finished his editing I will let ya have a copy so you can see me beating you again ;-) :lol:
