urgent speed limit defencer help needed

  • Thread starter Jap-Spec-Performance
  • Start date


i need to know how to fit the thing, the instructions supplied with it are all in japaneese..

ive got a diagram of what wires go where on the car but nothing about where they are on the car or what to do with them (ie do you bridge the connection or cut and rejoin...

any help much appreteated as i need this fitted tonight before my car goes into storage as im going abroad "ohhhhh"


you need to intercept the signal and run it through the convertor, I.E cut the wire and bridge the gap with it :wink:

Mine was fitted to the rear of the speedo, best place as its away from the damp of the engine bay


right we just tryed to fit it, we got a perminant live from pin 46 and earthed throught pin 48.

and cut the yellow and green speed sensor wire at the ecu itself and bridged with the sld.

took it for a run and it was still limting at 130 disconnected the sld and its the same 130 dead.

but we noticed it limits the car in 4th at 100mph and 5th at 130...

so we left the yellow and green cable cut and nto connected to anything thinking this would stop the ecu knowing when the speed was reached and it STILL cut out at 130 dead...

and i missing something are we not doing something right and whats the blue wire for???