URGENT!!! Help Needed



Help needed bit of a stupid 1 i went out to the pulsar yesterday and the battery is dead :doh: and seeing as my car aint got any key holes how can i get in without smashing a window????any help will be greatly appreiciated

Thanks Gav


Maybe break the front grill so you can get at the bonet catch, Then charge up the battery.

Oh and fit proper bl00dy door locks on at least the boot lid.



New Member
Pop the rubber of the front side window out, then get a metal ruler about 30cm's and cut a V shape into the end of it about 2cm's away from the end. Have a wee fiddle about and you should be able to pop the locks! ;)


get a metal coat hanger and bend the end round (like a fishing hook) slide it down between the door glass and outer door skin, towards the lock assembly at the rear of the door then go fishing for the catch and yank it upwards, that will open it.

another way to do it is remove the front grille and unbolt the 2 bolts that hold the bonnet closure mechanism, then you will be able to lift the bonnet and charge or replace the battery (assuming its not located in boot now)

with some cars (never tried it on an R) if you get a tennis ball and cut it in half and place the ball over the lock (where you put key in) and give it a sharp jab with the palm of your hand, the vacuum pressure will undo the mechanism, so that would be worth a try, must be a reasonable fit though around the lock!

cancel last bit as youve got no locks:roll:
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Best option is to call the AA or RAC as thier guys will have the correct tools to break into your car with out doing any damage.

Oh and still refit one of those locks lol.



gunmetalgtir said:
Only on the OC would you find how to break into a pulsar! :doh: :der: :lol:

Any car thief would know all the tricks of the trade so nothing new is being posted.



the guy that had the car before me smoothed the tailgate so i dont have a lock on the boot and he must of de-locked the handles cos there are handles but no locks!! was going to try the coat hanger through the top of the door trick and try flick the locks but some of ur ideas seem a lot better!!


New Member
G4V_W_P said:
the guy that had the car before me smoothed the tailgate
After finding this out I say the best method is a rag and a match, make sure you cover the car in petrol to do a good job mate! :eek:k:


iirc the key hole for the door locks are built into the handles? cant you chip away the filler that was used to smooth it, and see if the lock is still in place and try the key?

just an idea.



New Member
tomble said:
iirc the key hole for the door locks are built into the handles? cant you chip away the filler that was used to smooth it, and see if the lock is still in place and try the key?

just an idea.

It'll probably be the back door handles from a 4 door sunny that were used and not filler.


pulsarboby said:
get a metal coat hanger and bend the end round (like a fishing hook) slide it down between the door glass and outer door skin, to wards the lock assembly at the rear of the door then go fishing for the catch and yank it upwards, that will open it.

another way to do it is remove the front grille and unbolt the 2 bolts that hold the bonnet closure mechanism, then you will be able to lift the bonnet and charge or replace the battery (assuming its not located in boot now)

with some cars (never tried it on an R) if you get a tennis ball and cut it in half and place the ball over the lock (where you put key in) and give it a sharp jab with the palm of your hand, the vacuum pressure will undo the mechanism, so that would be worth a try, must be a reasonable fit though around the lock!

cancel last bit as youve got no locks:roll:
Hehe Bobby

But this only works on Audi's as they use a pneumatic actuator ;-)


gunmetalgtir said:
Is there an echo in here? :lol:

JP, did it not used to work on old ford's as well??
No the Fod units well ones in my Fleesta's are motor units but the weak link there was door barrel as you could spin it with little ease (Had a few poped on my RS) :evil:


your right jp, it was an audi, some mercs use the same system too as do alfa romeo iirc