Urgent Elec Question


New Member
Where does the power for the fuel pump goto? am i correct in saying its the black with red tracer
What does the Yellow with green tracer going to the ecu do?

I have no voltage on my fuel pump after doing various bits and bobs, but it is not being afected by my immobiliser.

Any help appreciated, cheers

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New Member
the fuel pump fuse is ok (15A 3rd up on the rh in fusebox) im tempted to run an ignition feed to a relay then to the pump but id rather sort the fault first


New Member
This is a better mod anyway as it keeps a constant 12v to the fuel pump at all times. As the wire's get old and cause volt drop. Before i did this mod i was only gettin 10.9v to the fuel pump. Hard wired it now and get a constant 13.5v at the pump splendid.

This is a commom mod on fuel injected cars that are getting on in the world


New Member

If i bypass the fuelpump relay it runs,
Im not getting a spark as the coil has no supply, it sounds as if the ecu doesnt have power?

any ideas, i dont have the wiring diagram to trace as im at my parents.

Cheers Tony