UK Sunny GTI-R (rebuild or Brake)???


New Member
I currently have 2 GTI-Rs One of which I have just bought which is a uk sunny it needs a rebuild but apart from that not a bad car... apart from some rust.

Now do I rebuild it and sell it ....?

Sell it for parts....? as it has a new gear box in it/ 17inch wheels/ pipe/ boost controller/etc

If i chose to rebuild it I will build it my self as I have build all my engines. so it would cost me about £500- £700. But how much is a uk car worth??
Not much more if any than a import??

How easy are they to sell for parts and roughly what sort of return will i get.
Sorry its alot to ask.



If you do rebuild it yourself make sure you at the very least fit a set of forged pistons and a metal head gasket, These two things will probably get you a £1000-£2000 premium over a standard rebuilt engined car...

You can buy CP pistons for £300 on ebay and a cometic head gasket will only set you back a £100 quid...

Price wise it all depends on the state of the rest of the car really, If it's in good nick I think your looking at anywhere between £3000-£5000 the way prices are at the moment.



New Member
Thanks Rob, I do think it is worth doing a forged rebuild as it would be worth more and easier to sell but i was just thinking a quick turn around as i got the car cheap!! I dont want it sitting around for to long. But dont all pulsars He He


i broke one in febuary and sold bits on ebay, paid a grand for car and made £2500 profit but it is hassle and you tend to spend dosh as it comes in so you dont feel like youve made anything out of it!
also now theres a lot more people breaking them so youve got competition with prices!
but i think they are worth more in bits rather than as a whole.


Cambridge_pulsar said:
So what you saying then matey ? :? , You don't believe that you can buy one for that ? or you can get them cheaper ?...

I had one saved in my ebay that was £59 plus shipping, And Agra who are going to be doing my rebuild will supply one for about £100..



Well-Known Member
Break it, the less uk cars there are around the more mine will be worth :thumbsup:

That was only a joke, theres no point destroying a perfectly good car because you cant be bothered to fix it;-)


Roy Archer said:
not true, break it so i can get some bits for my car
what you after? im in essex and have quite a few bits left!


IMO a uk sunny GTiR will be worth a few quid in years to come, i would say fix it. prices on such a rare car can only go up, not for you i know but i bet there are a few people who are constantly looking out for a sunny rather than a pulsar? the insurance would be cheaper for a start.