UK Ecu Question


New Member
If I fit a UK ecu to my Pulsar will it remove the speed limiter?? Would everything else still work ok??? Dash etc??


Active Member
The wiring on the UK one is completly different then the JDM one....but the conections are the might try and give us some feedback....
My true opinion is that it will work without any problems!!!


Staff member
No, like Ed says I'm pretty sure it will work.
The difference is only supposed to be the map (retarded for poor-quality UK fuel); mechanically the cars are identical and I think the gauges just have different faces really. - I just don't know about the speed limiter.


New Member
Right, I got off my lazy arse and swapped it over. Its all working perfect, took a quick blast in her but its 6.50pm and there is plenty of traffic. Think its passing the limiter ok but I ill be able to tell better when I get a run in the quiet. The limiter is bound to be in the ecu though right???

Couple of questions - Is that the ign timing retarded now, so I can run 95 ron? Its running std boost at the minute. Wasnt sure if the ign timing difference was set by the ecu, or the distributer position.
Also what is the wee screw for at the back of the ECU, covered by tape and jap writing with a couple of arrows showing it can be turned.
And finally the speedo is still reading in km, but with the mph dials fitted so it only reads to 110 or so. Whats the best bit of kit to change it so I can fit the 160mph dials???


Staff member
So that's evidently wired-in no matter which ECU you have...?

I'm not sure about 95RON; probably, but I'd stick to the good stuff to be sure (prevents det).
I'm not entirely sure about the timing; I know the ECU takes it's signal from the CAS, and that's how it knows when to fire the injectors (and advance or retard the timing), but I would have thought the base timing is still set by the distributor... I've never investigated it because I've never had timing problems.
I'm pretty sure that screw in the ECU is to set the mixture when you're on the closed-loop idle (i.e. using the lambda sensor); it's used to adjust the CO levels for the emissions test... at least I'm pretty sure that what it does does (I read it somewhere).

I'm out of my depth now, can you tell?

Fusion Ed

Active Member
If there limiter is there fit a jdm dash make the changes needed to the plugs and then with a speedo converter it will magically be gone, or just fit a modified rom to the ecu to remove it. I've not been in a working uk R for a while so I cant remember how they are setup.


New Member
That was a really confusing post I made, what I meant was my car hit the rev limiter in 5th gear so its bye bye speed limiter. Everything is working fine aswell.

Between that and finally fixing a running problem that iv had for months im really enjoying my car again, even with the boost turned right down.


Staff member
Ah - that makes more sense then! I thought the UK ECU didn't have the speed limiter in it.
I'm not sure about the clocks; does the UK unit expect an input in MPH?

Fusion Ed

Active Member
The output from the ecu comes from the speedo. The input to the speedo is the same from any JDM or UK car, the conversion is then carried out within the speedo to display the correct speed on the dash. The pulse to the ECU is also the same on uk and jdm iirc.


Staff member
Eh? You've got UK clocks and a UK ECU and they won't talk? - That sounds like a wiring problem to me.


New Member
Well the jdm dash works with both, the uk works with neither. Maybe wired different or something, ill not worry too much cos I have white dials in my jdm dash anyway, however I want to get a good converter so I can put the 160 dials in. What do you reccomend?? Is there any coverters that can be calibrated to give a good true reading???