Two things to strain your brain! **Pics**



Ok, can any of you kind people help? I have already tried to find the answer using the facility, but no joy!

First question is-what does that open pipe do? Should it be 'bunged up' or has it slipped of of something?

Also i keep hearing of a pipe which if loose will give unlimited boost(see how that rhymed!) and ultimately send the engine straight to lots of pieces.Can somebody post a piccy of said pipe?!

And last but not least-can anybody help in giving a name to the BOV? It has nothing written on it that i can see.Only around the face where it is stamped 'Blow off Valve' iirc.

Ok pictures.....



jiw said:
Its a guide pipe for the screwdriver to adjust your idle :wink:

:eek: How dare you call me laz....ah i see :lol: :roll:

So in essence i don't need to worry about it?! :oops:

That was dam fast-only two questions to go! Come on people!! :p


Well-Known Member
The pipe that will up the boost if disconnected is the one that runs from the wastegate actuator on the turbo up to the plenum :wink: It wont give unlimited boost, probably around 1.4 bar which would still be enough to kill your engine if you didnt notice it.

Only 1 more question to go now :lol:


MarkTurbo said:
The pipe that will up the boost if disconnected is the one that runs from the wastegate actuator on the turbo up to the plenum :wink: It wont give unlimited boost, probably around 1.4 bar which would still be enough to kill your engine if you didnt notice it.

Only 1 more question to go now :lol:
Hmmm, you seem to not realise i am an turbo car numpty, and as such have no idea what a plenum or wastegate are!!

Well only a slight clue-any chance of a helpful picture or diagram? Or a link to and old picture?

Cheers for the help so far! :wink:

I have a feeling question three could take some time, i imagine there are loads of different Bov's and its hard to get a really good picture of it without removing it. A good reason to get a FMIC!! :twisted:


The BOV is an older style HKS SuperSequential ( a good one ). I've got the same one.

That 'hole' should have a screw in it, it looks like its missing ! You don't have a very fast idle do you, by any chance ?


AJ4 said:
The BOV is an older style HKS SuperSequential ( a good one ). I've got the same one.

That 'hole' should have a screw in it, it looks like its missing ! You don't have a very fast idle do you, by any chance ?
HKS? Get in! :D

Idle is about 1000rpm which i guessed at being about 100rpm out? Not enough to sound 'wrong' anyway.

I will have a good look for the screw tomorrow :wink:


New Member
Too slow :roll: All questions answered already :(

I wouldn't worry about the screw in that pipe, I don't think you are meant to be able to see it from that angle. If you are meant to be able to see it, then mine is missing too :wink:


New Member
bit worried about the same pipe on my R... gettin a rebuild at the mo but if i remember rightly when i took inlet manifold of you could blow through this pipe and feel air moving inside the plenum..... take it this aint correct?