Turbo XS Type H installation and HELP!!!



Hi guys,

My mechanic fitted this BOV using the same line as the previous recirculating valve and the vacuum line that's at the back of the intake manifold. Is that correct or should it be welded to the piping running from the front mounted intercooler near the intake????
The reason I'm asking also is that it's really not loud!!! and it gives me a kinda seqential sound.
Any suggestions/comments/advice would be greatly appreciated......


i got the RFL and it's plumbed in the same way it aint very loud either. still trying to figure out y :(


New Member
what boost are you running ????

With the avcr off (0.6) mines gay, at 0.8 its less gay, at anything over 1 bar its loud, i doubt its 110db like they claim but its still loud. 8)

Had ex-gtir with his head out the window earlier trying to identify a whistling/squeek noise that i may or may not have :roll: asked if he heard it and all i got was a...

"all i can hear is your fucking dump valve"


Mines fitted in the standard position.


yeh, mines fitted using the vacum pipe via the intake manifold and the existing/old pipe that used to go to the standard recirculating dv.
i run between 7 and 9 psi and it's still fairly load (the 'h' type is set to start from cars running 15psi and over but still works fine on my current boost).
on 1-bar, this things phunkn brutal though, deffo 110db like (and thats only 15psi !).but, one thing i did notice (and shouldn't really make a difference)
is that one of my mates got the same dv about 3months ago cos he liked
it so much and although it's the same one, it's looks bigger/fatter ?.and his one's not as loud as mine either.wonder why that is ????.has this slight change in appearance phuked up the noise (diff spring, piston etc ?). :?


thanks guys!!!.........i think i'll work with what i have for now until i want to go really loud!!...............at least i know now that's it's installed properly..